Rohe a micromouse robot



After some time of researching i start to build my micromouse "Rohe". For now i have designed on the pc a chassis that is the one in the photo but i'm thinking of changing it because is not very beautiful. The wheels are miniz rc car wheels. The gears comes from the tamiya dual gearbox and have 42 teeth, i have to enlarge the hole on this gear, i use a lathe. The pinions, that i found on ebay, have 8 teeth. The motors are faulhaber 1717 6v with 16 line per rev encoder that are read in x4 mode so in final the resolution on the ground is about 0,3 mm (hope it is enough!!). I'm still designing the electronic part but mainly is a "copy" of the MIN7 schematic that you can find here : the major difference are the processor, i'm going to use a dspic, the h bridge chip, and the control of the ir led. I'm not going to use a gyro, infact this, i i will ever finish, is my first real micromouse after some prototypes. Right now i'm finishing the design of the motors mount, as soon i have some update i will modify this.


Changed the chassis design and placed the sensor block, the diagonal sensor are at 45° and the front one at 5°. The emitter are SFH4550 that have an angle of emission of 6°.Still working on the motor mounts...


Update 27/09

I changed my mind and instead of building a robot that has the pcb as the chassis i will start to experiment without burning many steps.I'm building a small board with the dspic, power regulators, motor controller and some leds for debug.Then i will make a chassis with a perf board or thin lexan. At this stage i don't care about the weight or the CG but only in making a working mouse for learning.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

this robot is designed to

this robot is designed to compete in the micromouse category so the central sensor is not necessary. Here it is an example . Keep in mind that this is one of the fastest robot…