Rocket Brand Studios/ CtC Update

Hey guys,

It has been a whirlwind around here for quite a while... Ever since Maker, it has been non-stop (and wonderfully exhausting).

I thought I would take a quick moment to record a video and let you guys in on the chaos and upcoming goodness.

Congrats, CtC! I absolutely

Congrats, CtC! I absolutely understand how excited are you! I’m also moving from 1m x 1m workspace to a whole room for my new lab :slight_smile: And great to hear that RoBraSt is growing! Keep it up man! :slight_smile:

Good luck with the move, my

Good luck with the move, my friend!

That is awesome CTC! Glad to

That is awesome CTC! Glad to see it all paying off for you.

in common

…so we both build up our new homes…
…customize it to our and our family’s needs…
…work hard to give our kids a good place…
…to grow up. so does Isotope. once more…
…we have something in common. rock on. 

Awesome news

Well I’ve been suspecting as much for the “swarmed with work” part, but the new house move is news to me, and it sounds great man :slight_smile: Congrats! Plenty of space FTW!!

Congrats & love the

Congrats & love the Tadpoles

If I wasn’t getting out of education I’d . . . aw . . . who’s kidding who - I still want one or two.