Robotics Simulator using Processing

This is a simple demo showing how a simulator using Processing can look like with only a few lines of code:

I used something similar for my quadruped robot and was asked how I made it. So today I finally found the time to write a blog post and a small tutorial about it:

Basically, you can use Processing and the CAD files of your robot to create a simulation. Then you figure out inverse kinematics, movements, etc and finally copy the code to Arduino. Processig is very similar to Arduino, so it's much easier to learn and there are lots of libraries.

I dont just want to advertise my blog here, I really think it's a shame that so few people are using Processing in their projects.

I know very well processing,

I know very well processing, and love/hate it. Compared to Java with eclipse, with processing i lose code completation, different API, no code analysis, no jUnit tests, little support for old java libraries, no templates or multiple run configurations, git, team working.

On the plus i get a rewritten Java API which is more sane and less cumbersome, as i would use templates, a fast to boot IDE and a wonderful graphics library, while Java.AWT is so bad that draws like the old MS paint.

So it’s really nice, but the ide has little to no support to big programs. But processing libraries can be ported to Eclipse, albeit i didn’t manage to set it up yet.

Very cool!

Very cool!