Robotic servo grippers compatible with Arduino, Raspberry, PICAXE

I have designed and manufactured these grippers with a 3D printer. 

The main features of these robotic grippers are :

  1. The grippers are robust and light.
  2. The grippers allow the manipulation of large objects, with an size of 77mm.
  3. The grippers allow two degrees of freedom, the opening and closing of jaws, and the rotation of the gripper.
  4. The grippers uses two RC standard servo motors. One servo rotates between 0 to 180 degrees and the other servo is a 360 degrees servo.
  5. The gripper can be connected directly to all Arduino, Raspberry Pi boards and PICAXE boards or any other board.. The boards don't need shields. We can use the standard pins of Arduino.
  6. The microswitch of the gripper designates the closing of the jaws.

Video about gripper.

Information about gripper.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The gripper is nice!

But that servo for the wrist is going to have a short life. Why not create a thrust bearing there to isolate the axial loading?
Will you be sharing the 3D printer files?


The main servo has two ball

The main servo has two ball bearings and the metal gears. It is a robust servo. The gripper can manipulate big objects but not heavy objects. The can of video is too heavy to be well manipulate. 

In this links there are ·files of  3D printer grippers to share:



Very nice gripper. Do you have the rest of the arm planned, or have one in mind which would be compatible?

** It is very compatible.**

 It is very compatible. this robotic gripper has a lot of orifices for assembly with other robotic arms. In the future I want to do an entire robotic arm. I have other version with 6 claws

Also, it can fix a drone.

It could be designed to be mounted on a ROUV (remotely operated underwater vehicle).

Permission to use your design

My high school classs have been searching for an appropriate design of a gripper to mount on their ROV.  May we use your design, please?  We may have to change the size a little but the design looks quite good.

Many thanks
