Robotic autonomous transoceanic ship :P

Wow. What an ambitious

Wow. What an ambitious idea. This would be so cool!

A biologist friend of mine who works at the local Sea Center knows of my recent interest in robotics and told me that submerging explorer bots are frequently used deep in the ocean where human submarines can’t go. After a little more research I found out that they represent a large fraction of autonomous robots, so a lot of research has gone into this field already. Perhaps the first step to take is to get in touch with researchers or a company who have been building these things for a while. I would imagine that those engineers are passionate about their work, since it’s pretty awesome work that they’re doing, and they would likely be more than happy to share information with amateur robot makers who have such an ambitious goal.

A quick Google search gave me this link:

I then Googled those companies and got these links: are working on the development of a small GPS tracker unit as part of on-going work with the University of Sydney’s Centre for the Ecological Impact of Coastal Cities” Said of one of their models: “Automatic control modes, including heading (semi/full), depth, altitude, attitude, and StationKeep™, using a Doppler velocity log” (These guys are the top dogs in the industry, it seems. Definitely worth pestering.)

There are obviously plenty of engineering problems to overcome, but I see the main challenge being the cost. Assuming that the robot needs the ability to submerge, charge, propel, steer, sense, and more, it will easily cost a few thousand USD to complete. It is doable, that much I’m sure of, but the cost will be substantial.

However, the groups listed above, especially Schilling, would no doubt take a special interest in our humble endeavor. It is possible that they would provide some funding. Corporations give large sums of their profits every year to various organizations in order to improve their public image and get their name in the news. A project like this certainly fits the bill for something they’d want to get in the press for, but it wouldn’t happen if the builders here didn’t really have their act together and we could prove to them that we’re serious.

If funding is out of the question, which is of course very possible, then unless someone here is tired of having heavy pockets, we’ll have to all chip in.

The first thing that needs to happen for this to happen is that there needs to be a designated builder. Having multiple builders is unreasonable since everyone on this site is so spread out. Perhaps we could limit it to a region, like for example I know that many of you are from the UK and Ireland, but even then you are all pretty well spread apart.

Having a designated builder seems like it will be the biggest problem, especially if LMR users chip in money, because it puts pressure on that one person to do a good job.

I have more to say on this topic, but I think I’ll stop for now. :slight_smile:

One last link:

If it proves impossible to

If it proves impossible to build a fully autonomous robot with our budget, perhaps semi-autonomous is more feasible. I’m talking about an over-the-internet-controlled submarine with a satellite webcam and controls accessible only by designated LMR users.

Yes, this opens up a Pandora’s Box of more engineering and programming difficulties but it is possibly the lesser of two evils. Well … not evils, but technical problems, anyway.


Message in a bottle
If I did this I would make it like a message in a bottle. Use GPS or even just a compass to give it a general direction in which to go and put instructions with it for contacting me, getting a reward and perhaps also for setting a new destination. It’s most likely to wash up on a beach somewhere away from its intended destination. Maybe include a cellphone that phones home with a GPS location when there is a signal available and it hasn’t moved recently.


well semi-autonomous I think

well semi-autonomous I think would have to be included in such a project as it would be far to expensive a project to trust entirely to our script =)


I live out in California and alot of our colleges have grants for such projects if you can propose the prduct could come in handy to humanity or profitable in some way. Anyone else a member of a college that may have a grant, any professional engineers or Phds or graduate students may be handy too =)

I have a few contacts at
I have a few contacts at UCSB and a few other local colleges. Being completely new to robotics and this site, however, I would feel out of place asking for money. But I can get the builders in touch with the right people.

Well i think the big thing
Well i think the big thing is getting a few professionals involved would make a world of difference in such a cooperative effort.

HUV Hyland Underwater Vehicles
Jon Hyland has some interesting projects over at with some details of underwater bots he has built.

Yup. I agree.There are a

Yup. I agree.

There are a lot of colleges around the Santa Barbara area, and there are also oil rigs off shore from here. So, there’s got to be someone around who works with their underwater industrial robots.

you’re lucky guys :slight_smile: if i go
you’re lucky guys :slight_smile: if i go to university here asking for support they would laught in my face (well, maybe they’ll first ask “what is a robotic ship?”).

whys that!? How are they out

whys that!? How are they out in Italy?


Alot of the professors Ive encountered here in California Universities are all usually passionate about their work and would find any excuse to induldge some free time =)

Ok Nicola, here’s what I’m

Ok Nicola, here’s what I’m going to do:

Find an old fire extinguisher, slap on a propeller and a couple of fins, put in the cheapest GPS I can find, tell it to go to Italy, and hope for the best. Sound good? Just keep your eyes open for a red canister floating through the Mediterranean. :smiley:

Seriously though, that’s too bad about university professors in Italy. Here in California they are almost always friendly, helpful, knowledgeable, and eager to help students.

don’t let me start talking

don’t let me start talking about how bad these things go here in Italy, or i’ll heat up and never stop :slight_smile:

anyway, if you or anyone else are searching for a pal to catch your transoceanic ships at the end of their travel, i’ll be glad to offer myself :slight_smile:

Uhm looks very interesting.

Uhm looks very interesting. there are also some ground (tracked) vehicles looking great.

there are some close pics of the motor and how it is connected.

Btw, too cool to se the palm pc inside the tube :slight_smile:

I was considering how to

I was considering how to make the hull. Some ideas:

  1. Make it from scratch: i don’t think i have the skill to shape plywood or fiberglass or anything. too complex for me :slight_smile:
  2. Buy a very cheap toy boat, trash everything inside and replace with our stuff: very cheap solution, but the chassis would probably be quite poor. Also, replacing everithing means making all the mechanical part (including sealing etc).
  3. Buy a serious model hull: not so cheap, but the hull would be great. Still most of the mechanical work on our shoulders.
  4. Buy a ready-to-run electric ship and keep all the stuff inside and add our logic and modules. Very expensive, possible problems with built in hardware (mismatching voltage, wrong current consumption etc). Saves all the mechanical work!
I’m for 2 or 3 :slight_smile:


expnesive but a fun idea
expnesive but a fun idea

So you guys got me thinking

So you guys got me thinking about this now, and I came up with some sketches of an idea. I’ll have to scan em in tomorrow morning though. But the idea is to have a deployable sail that would usually rest on the body of the ocean going vessel. An issue with using a sail is that it wants to push the boat to the side, depending on how the sail is set, 2 things can counter that, a keel or centerboard or…make it a tri-maran. My idea uses extendable pontoons that would make it a tri-maran when the sail is extended, and pretty much a torpedo when the pontoons are in. The pontoons can also be used to hold the batteries.

That is also where the second idea comes in. I recall about a year or so ago I saw an article with some folks I think in Australia that were building something like this. What they did though was the made it pretty much look like a missle and run about 10 feet below the surface as to avoid waves and such. so the sketches I’ve done are along those lines.

3rd thing, if this thing is going to be in the ocean, it needs to be sealed tight…batteries don’t like getting wet and will turn into mush in minutes. Once when I was on a night dive I had a flashlight get a leaky seal…pretty much toast after that.

So further ideas, use the pontoons as the battery holders, and set them up as individual fuel systems, where if one fails, you switch to the other, but at the same time, they both can power the main moter/motors.

same dangers of the oceans:

fishing nets, boats, ships, floatsom, people, sharks and other curious creatures that may want to bite to see what it tastes like, salt water on electronics, heat from electronics(yes they will get hot due to the motors needing to pull amps to get it moving at a decent speed).


Yesterday as i was to an

Yesterday as i was to an electronic store i saw some rc boats. One was kind of nice, the flat type, about 65 euros with motors, battery, controller and everything. It was about 50 cm long, perfect for a lagunar run :slight_smile:

i’m convincing i might give it a try, maybe this spring when days would be longer :slight_smile:

Too much complexity

That sure would be nice, but it would add much complexity and point of failures… Not to speak of the budget overwhelming growth.

About the bathiscafe idea, that’s come with many advantages, but two big disadvantages: GPS signal is unavaiable just very little below the surface, and so it is solar power.

Anyway i’d love to see your drawings :slight_smile:

Bottlecaching, I like it!
Bottlecaching, I like it! Forget the motors and everything else. Just put a couple of solar cells and a cellphone with global roaming and gps in a bottle and toss it in the ocean. It should eventually turn up within range of a cell tower and according to Google no one has had this idea and called it bottlecaching.