Robot Wall Racers

Hello, I am back…

Here I am again… My R/C based model car robot is being marketed by Ten80 Education. The kit is down to aproximately $110. The target students are in middle school - seventh and eighth grades - ages 12 to 14. How do we help young folks conceptualize the microprocessor domain? – Particularly without electronics like an oscilloscope? Please help me think of ‘real world’ examples like one demonstrating a millionth of a second and/or a machine driven my a megahertz clock.

Here’s a short list

An Input - An Output - A pin
A signal – a Digital signal – an Analog signal
A microsecond - A millisecond
A pulse - The pulse width - pulse frequency
Ground (Gnd) - Operating voltage (Vcc) - A voltage regulator
Noise - DC motor - Electro Magnetic Force (emf) - Back emf
Resistance - A resister
microprocessor architecture terms
sonar - speed of sound
