Robot navigating by visible light alone

Unfortunatly I cannot work

Unfortunatly I cannot work with cams, as "my game" is pic / low tec alone. If I started to involve "real computers" it would spoil it all for me :wink:

And I am yet to discover a method of detecting the reflection of the lasers - can only detect direct beams, which is fun but so far no use for detecting objects…

hmmm, “real computers” are

hmmm, “real computers” are the “low tec” of the future…

have you tried using lenses? the variance of light reflected before and after a focal point should be very high - it might give you more range

Yes, I have tried to

Yes, I have tried to experiment with lenses. Good thinkin,g GroG, I think we are on same track here :wink:

However, with the lenses that I could get my hands on, I may be able to go from 25 to 27 Cm in reading distance… but my robot went from 7 to 22 CM in length :wink: Then the reflectors come in, but then light is lost…

Have also tried with concave discs etc (or is it convex?) - but to put it short; nogo :slight_smile:

I love the joystick case you put it in. That’s hilarious. :slight_smile:

Lol, well thats why they use
Lol, well thats why they use infared. Normal light gets too annoying : P

i like the use of the Namco controller for a body. Good work Frits!

I can say, I am more

I can say, I am more impressed with this method than using the other methods. mainly because it is “ingenuity to solve the problem and isn’t just throwing money at it”. I prefer to use found things and scrap over buying ready made devices. I know there is technology to do it available but whats in the junk to do it equaly well? besides it guarentees being one of a kind and there is nobody else to credit. Else why not just purchase a kit.

for me it is just that, “the challenge of using scrap and recycle componants”. aside from the micro cntroler and servos, but I am also learning to do that part. too.