Robot Invasion, Second Wave

I decided to follow in ignoblegnomes footsteps and make me some solar bots! Here are the pictures;


A little artsy picture made at night with high iso and slow shutter speed.



The gang.


Alcoholic bot likes to drink…can’t imagine that it’s in his programming.

Nice Work!!!

Most excellent creativity.

Hey, those are some pretty

Hey, those are some pretty cool little bots! I’m glad I could inspire you, but I think you surpassed me!

I had an issue with the batteries on mine, by the way. The individual cells from the 9V rechargeable weren’t well sealed. They dried out and stopped working within a few days, even though I wrapped them tight with electrical tape. I should replace those batteries for all the bots I gave away that year!

lol awesome :smiley:

lol awesome :smiley:

If anyone is interested,

If anyone is interested, here is my post that Gonzik is referring to, which includes links to the original Instructable and the circuit I actually used from Evil Mad Scientist Labs.

Great building. I like these

Great building. I like these little creatures.

Wow, they are looking

Wow, they are looking awesome…well done.

I was lucky Energizer makes

I was lucky Energizer makes good batteries, mine have been out for a couple weeks and seem to work great =) I doubt I surpassed you ignoblegnome - we’re on the level :wink: I love the glasses you made for Arnolbot and the personality Cheifbot has.

Thanks for all the possitive

Thanks for all the possitive feedback everyone, I didn’t expect these little guys to get so much attention =P

These are amazingly artistic

These are amazingly artistic little fellows. I just love them and hats off for the great workmanship.


Alcohol Bot

The alcohol bot is giving out LED’s? I heard that was the best robot drink ever! By the way, nice robots! I’ll try to make one at home

I totally missed that those

I totally missed that those drinks were LEDs! So funny!