Robot Fight!

If I am posting too many videos, Let me know.

So, Ok. The SES had a bit of an unfair advantage. But hey. The plastic linkage controlling the gripper on the Lynx 6 broke when I over extended the gripper picking up an object. Why did I take the time to pick up a roll of yellow duct tape during a fight? Well, the Lynx 6 was already moslty incapacitated, and I thought the Lynx 6 might need it.

Always bring a roll of duct tape to a robot fight! :slight_smile:

It’s all good though. I have a replacement on order, and the Lynx 6 will come back for round 2!

**Video: **

Pretty cool! Will we see source code for your IK Phidgets servo control program?

I’m still a novice when it comes to C#, I’m sure a lot could be learned from it!