Robot Ducky , 6 legged walking robot , micro servos

This is a cool little project I'm doing as a gift to a guy who loves robots and rubber ducks. It just makes sense that the robot technology would take over the ducky like the Borg! There is 3d printing involved to make the legs and the ducky core is 3d printed as well. All the 3d print was done by my friend Anthony who is pretty awesome at the 3d printing. This uses a makerbot replicator 2. In the build you will see servo blanks which are just 3d printed substitutes so i dont get paint or epoxy on the real ones. I have been working on it so far three nights. I hope you enjoy the creative project. I will update throughout today with a couple.dozen build pics.

radio controlled hexapod walking robo duck

  • Actuators / output devices: 12 high torque micro servos
  • Control method: WiFi, android app or wifi from pc
  • CPU: ezb v4 controller
  • Operating system: Windows or android
  • Power source: 7.2 volt lithium ion
  • Programming language: Ez Builder, scripting
  • Sensors / input devices: none
  • Target environment: indoors

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Sorry guys , I would try to load a picture and when I loaded it , it gave me an error do I tried refreshing the page , deleting cookies and all that.  Each picture I tried to upload it duplicated the whole post agian. I deleted the other two.