Robot Competition

I am beginner to robotics.  I just wanted to know if there are any local robotic competions that I can attend.  Right now, I am only a freshman in High School.  Also, I live in the New York area.

your school may be able to get you into one

there are a couple for schools I think, this one was just around here last week, It had kids form all over the world.

Check my post about it:

other than that, I would do some googling to find robotics clubs in your area, they may be able to provide more local info…

The New York area is big on the Maker movement.

There should be a fair number of robot contests in your area. Maybe you could look for local hackerspaces. I am sure there are local robotics clubs too. 15 to 20 minutes of research done by you should turn up a number of promising leads for you to follow.

I did find many leads.

I did find many leads. However,  they were all college level,  or for adults. I also don’t believe I can go to makerspaces because i don’t know any makers in person, and the makerspaces seem too unapproachable for a kid. 



By clubs, do you mean school

By clubs, do you mean school clubs? Because my school has none of these clubs.   Also, I really want to do a competition by myself.


**I may look rough, but, **

I am what one would call a small fish in a small pond. I got to go to Maker Faire last year in NYC. Makers in general are a very accepting group from the impression I got. People are different everywhere, but, I believe a good makerspace will treat you like a friend or better.

There are two competitions I can think of at the moment. One is in Colorado and the other is in Washington(?). As they are very well known, I have to believe that there are competitions around elsewhere. Even if you don’t join a makerspace, I have to imagine someone somewhere would have some leads on competitions.