Robot boy costume for oddbot video competition

EDIT by webmaster: Please read comment below!


My son Shamus rampaging through the yard terrorizing the dogs in his robot costume I made for him out of a cardboard box.

Truly a cheap robot, with a well made video using Sony Vegas 6.0


  • Actuators / output devices: Two legs
  • Control method: Yelling/screaming
  • CPU: 12 year old brain
  • Operating system: iPerson
  • Power source: Light
  • Programming language: English
  • Sensors / input devices: Photosensitive ganglion cells
  • Target environment: anywhere

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cheap robot? 18 years of
Cheap robot? 18 years of support isn’t cheap!

Thats awesome !It’s very

Thats awesome !

It’s very human like - are you going to sell this one to DAGU too?

Hmmm, this give’s me some ideas for some relatives…


hey nice video man. my idea is similar to yours. still busy working on it though.

reminds me of the days i had the spiderman suite when i was a toddler. they shouldve made a transformers suite.

by the way, whats the name of that song you played in your video. i like it.


brilliant!! :smiley: first

brilliant!! :smiley:

first time I see a robot with sleppers :smiley:


Thanks everyone, I am really

Thanks everyone, I am really liking that Junior robot.


crosses fingers

This may be a fraud

LMR admin just recieved this mail:

Hi, thanks for the account. I actually requested an account in order to get in touch with you concerning another matter. I recently noticed a large number of hits on a YouTube video I made of my son Shamus in a robot costume I made for him, titled, “Shamus the Robotic Boy”. I did a discovery and found a link to your site. It appears that someone has created an account with you under the user name, SHAWNMBOLAND, which is MY YouTube user name and entered a robot video contest with you. The video won 4th place and it appears that whoever stole my video won something. I just wanted to bring this to your attention. I actually don’t mind that the video is on your site and I enjoyed reading everyone’s comments. I put the video on YouTube for people to enjoy and that is happening through your site. I would however appreciate it if you could at least disable the account under SHAWNMBOLAND as that is being used by someone who pulled a fast one on you. If you need confirmation or proof you can go to my YouTube page and post a message on it asking for confirmation of this e-mail and I will reply to you through my YouTube page. Again I don’t mind that the video is linked through your site, I actually like that more people are seeing it, but it was not posted by me.

Shawn Boland

Well, the real Shawn is being a good sport about all this. I know I’d be pretty p*ssed off. Assuming this checks out, I hope the false mr Boland will show he’s a good sport too and send the goodies to the real mr Boland.

really thats crazy. Im sorry
really thats crazy. Im sorry to here that.

Call me paranoid, but i kind
Call me paranoid, but i kind of seriously doubt that someone randomly stumbled upon the contest, subscribed to the forum and decided to do the fraud just to win some electronic parts… meaning that i wouldn’t be surprised if the fake Shawnboland was actually a real LMR member under a false identity. But i maybe the admin can find out if they have our ip address…