Robot Beacon

Im looking to build a robot that can be placed anywhere in a specific room and know the point that it is supposed to go to. I have ultrasonic sensors to detect if there is obstacles, however Im wondering if there is a “beacon” type component that would send the robot the point to travel no matter where it was placed without mapping the room.

I have some experience coding/building a robot that follows a path, however I am relatively new at this.

Thanks in advance for any help!


The Indoor Navigation System (433MHz Kit) might interest you. It comes with 4 stationary beacons, 1 mobile beacon and a router.


Hi Outflipped,

I’m also currently working on indoor navigation using both ultrasonic and IR distance sensors (links below to my ROVer project). That ultrasonic beacon kit is pretty cool, but as an alternative I thought you might be interested in the solution that I think I’ll be using - computer vision.

Using markers, sort of like barcodes, at various locations within your room the camera in combination with computer vision can understand its distance from said marker based on how small or large it appears. The advantage of such a solution is that everything is on-bard the robot and you can print out as many unique “barcodes” or identiers as you want to place around.

Do share what solution you ultimately implement - very curious what others are up to! :slight_smile:

