Hello,I am building arobotthat will be controlledbyanArduinoUno & EZ-Robot whofollowapre-programming trajectintoa GPSandwill beequipped with motion detector to avoidobjectto run well toit's final destination.
I wonderifanyonewould haveany similar project to sharewith me !!
Sabertooth 2X25 you mean, right? That is a good controller but it’s a bit tricky to configure the DIP switch. They provide a configuration page which is pretty helpful HERE. I have them to control by arduino or RC remote with no problem now.
It looks like a great start for a robot. For information on GPS navigation you might have a look at my boat project https://www.robotshop.com/letsmakerobots/node/21098 in the MarkII_NAV_microSD.zip file your can find some information on how to navigate.
No idea. None of the Joysticks have a round connector. It’s possible that they used different ends on the cable, but unlikely. Look at http://www.pennyandgiles.com/brochures.php is pretty extensive.
J&G Joysticks are amazing and the interface goes from simple potentiometers to redundent Hall Effect to CAN Bus… So depending on what the board came out of interfacing there can be a hard call wihtout some docs.