Robot and sexy naked girl

Ok first, sorry for the cheap (but yet effective) marketing trick with the title... apparently, it worked, if not you wouldn't be reading this ^^

The thing is, with my clock (don't forget the "l") i take part in a web-realization contest, and the vote starts today...

So if you like it (i don't want to force anyone), don't hesitate to vote, it's here and for those who don't speak french you have to click on the pink button with the thumb-up and the word "Votez".

Thanks for your support! :)

Thats awesome

Really clever mate, good effort :smiley:

I voted!!

funny and creative
tres drole, tres creatif !

Really interesting clock.
Really interesting clock. Worth my vote too!


Thanks guys, according to my website stats, there are a lot of people who came from LMR! That’s great! :slight_smile:

For now i’m first, but there are some guys from a big community of motorcycles who really want to win too… So it’s gonna be a huge fight, the contest just started yesterday, still 13 days…

Nice clock
wel done. I voted.

ahah really nice! I also

ahah really nice! I also voted


Tres cool

C’est vachement super, ca!

ça! not ca! :smiley: right?
ça! not ca! :smiley: right?

CRAZY!, I like it!, My vote is on.
CRAZY!, I like it!, My vote is on.

Exactly :wink: But there are

Exactly :wink: But there are pretty good chances that he doesn’t have the “ç” key on his keyboard…


(by the way, i’m going to vitit your country in 3 weeks!)

Thanks again guys, it’s a

Thanks again guys, it’s a tough fight, so feel free to e-mail your friend if you think they might like the clock! :smiley:


And don’t hesitate to browse the whole website, it’s full of stupid/geeky/funny/amazing/weird stuff i find on the web, and i try to update it daily!

i have it on my keyboard but

i have it on my keyboard but i got it from the symbols list (just click the omega above the text space when writing a comment)

My country or BOAs’?

Funny, i’ve never noticed

Funny, i’ve never noticed that Omega thing…

And i’m talking about your country, my girlfrienf and I are going to spend 3 days in Roma :smiley:

funny, i’ve never been there

funny, i’ve never been there but i’ve been to singapore :slight_smile:

But i have to admit i don’t like my country much