RoBoat v1

Update 23 Aug 2011:

This new version has bigger bottles, only one motor and propeller which operates out of the water and has a servo that controls the double rudder.


-- Original Post --

This is a simple robot boat made of water bottles, polymorph plastic, two motors and propellers, tape, a box, a battery and a motoruino.

It is supposed to natigate on a pool, but I haven't had time to test it properly. I will need to buy better propellers first.

I made a instrutible of it and entered it on three different contests. Let's see if I can get something :D



Navigates on water via ultrasound

  • Actuators / output devices: servo, Motor
  • CPU: motoruino
  • Power source: 9.6V Battery
  • Programming language: Arduino
  • Sensors / input devices: SFR05
  • Target environment: Calm water

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Good idea…BoatBots are not

Good idea…BoatBots are not that often here.

The bootles are a good choice for the body but the propellers are not the right ones (you mentioned it).

How did you seal the shaft to keep the water out of the bottle and the motor dry?

Cool! I hope you get to test

Cool! I hope you get to test it soon, I wanna see a video of it in the water.

I just used Polymorph :slight_smile:

I just used Polymorph :slight_smile:

When I see this bot I was

When I see this bot I was wondering for waterproof ultrasound. Is it still working inside of any transparent material? Lake glass, plastic etc?

I’m not sure, but I think

I’m not sure, but I think that any solid material reflects/refracts the ultrasound waves, so it wouldn’t  work very well.

Sweet :slight_smile:

Sweet :slight_smile:


The aqua capability is cool.  Nice work