Robo-Art: Lunokhod (Spacecraft)

Lunokhod on tracks with remote control))...made from old parts...

brains PIC 12F629
driver L293 motor
2 motors and drives from CD-ROM
tracks from the scanner (printer)
the BATT from cellphones
wheels - the bobbin thread from the sewing machine
+ a few other parts))


This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Best one yet!

Love your nanobots man…keep em coming! 

So powerful!

what motor did you use?

моторы от CD-ROM,

motors from CD-ROM, a voltage of approximately 5-9V

Really nice and very
Really nice and very creative.

thank you all))

thank you all))

Nice and clean!

Awesome robot ukrnano, nice use of those old parts. It runs faster than I guessed :p. I too use those old cellphone batteries in my projects. I suppose you are using them in series which should produce approx.9-10 volts, does the l293d heats up after a few minutes of use at that voltage?

Also, cool PCB you made there, it even has a charging port in the corner!

Wow. Great Bot. It’s very

Wow. Great Bot. It’s very agile and nice reusing of things.

I have to learn asthetics from you.

Yes, L293 really heats up,

Yes, L293 really heats up, but not very much…especially the really hot with frequent changes of direction(forward-backward) when the current is maximum, but this robot is not critical, unlike my balancing robot…
…but the following robots I’ll be soldering the H-bridge of transistors, for better cooling…