Robby 2.0



This is my first Arduino project. I had controll my Robby with zigbee communication but i will make a sepparate documentation and place thishere... 









This controller i used before i changed to Arduino Mega Board






















Problem:the wireless Video / Web cam antenna makes comunication-interrupt between both xbee Modules.




Identifying Objects, catch this Object and transport to another place. Background: Robby2.0 should cleanup our nursery from my daugther ;-)

  • Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR / SRF05

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Nicely done. Thanks for the

Nicely done. Thanks for the great write up showing pictures of the contruction details.

Wonderful Work!!!

Nice design…clean application of hardware and code.  My son could use this to help him pick up his room.

Very nice pictures and great

Very nice pictures and great documentation.

Only one thing: Please don’t use HOT GLUE. I know Frits is the hot glue king, but if you need to secure nuts, use a drop of super glue or nail varnish. And if you really need to glue something else, I recommand super glue or two component epoxy. This looks much more clean than a blob of HOT GLUE :slight_smile: