RGB LED night light

RGB.bas (936Bytes)
I had some RGB LEDs lying around and decided to make a night light for my kids.
An Arduino was a bit overkill so I went for PICAXE instead. The first problem was that there is only one PWM on the 08M and I needed 3 (one for each color). So I decided to use 3 each of the 08M, one for each LED color. <o:p></o:p>
Then it hit me that I could use more than one RGB LED and get different colors by hooking up the colors differently. So that the Green signal in one has the same input on the Blue channel on another one. Giving me 3 distinct colors all the time. The problem with this is that all the lights have the same brightness and not fading individually, but that’s ok my kids aren’t that picky.<o:p></o:p> The second problem was that the PICAXE random function is not really random at all, it will always produce the same sequence and with this setup I would only get fading of white with little color. So I changed the steps for the fading sequence slightly on every chip so that they would come out of sync.<o:p></o:p>

The video really doesn’t give it credit. It looks great in a dark room and my kids love it.

The board



I used sandpaper on the LEDs to spread the light


Final assembly



And some ping-pong balls on the top



Great Idea
Love it! Looks so cool watching a rgb led fade from one colour to another… very memorizing yet simple :slight_smile:

great!.. I was considering


I was considering making a nightlight-thermometer! or you could?!

These would actually be really cool on a babies rotating mobile over their cot!

oh. like an orrery - with a

oh. like an orrery - with a big throbbing yellow thing as a the sun… and as soon as I get my gears to work, I’ll finish THAT project too…



Reminds me of this guys

Reminds me of this guys project which I’ve been considering doing for a while now.

Maybe you could do something similar as he did with the phototransistor and use that value with the random function?

Funny you should mention that link. I made a similar device to my brother for his birthday based on that idea.<o:p></o:p>

Maybe I should make a post on that to?





Please do! That looks
Please do! That looks awesome! :smiley:

I posted some more
I posted some more information on my version of the Firefly.

Yep, I took a look at that,

Yep, I took a look at that, very nice! :smiley:

I just got my hands on a couple of multi colored leds to do something similar…maybe I’ll start tonight!

I just bought some RGB LED’s on Ebay that have the fader built-in, all they need is a limiting resistor and DC. Fifty of them were under $7.00 including shipping so it should make a much simpler version. Thanks for the idea!

That is the coolest nighlight I’ve ever seen. not that I haven’t seen an uncool nightlight or anything. LOL

Whoa guys

This is the “how to make a distance sensor with a 3-pin IR sensor” guy. I think he’s cool. And trust me, I don’t cater to spammers.

to clarify this mysterious comment by my friend

Chris responded to the allegation (by me) that a certain comment was pure spam. I removed that comment now (and all responses to it disappeared as well).

The user’s account was less than a day old and had no other contributions to his name. It was a spammer al-right. Chris, you must’ve been thinking of someone else.

Great idea. What could i use

Great idea. What could i use instead of ping pong balls - something slightly bigger.

Polymorph plastic glows

Polymorph plastic glows nicely with an LED inside it, and you could make it whatever shape and size you like.

I used a plastic light

I used a plastic light fixture for a more scary version :slight_smile:


This is an entry for a .NetMF competition http://www.tinyclr.com/forum/9/1119/ . I’ll do a post on it later.

Love it!

Love it!


Very nice project and one thing, this looks exactly like the ball on top of the playstation controller!

I bet they read this and stole you idea of the colored ball :wink:

You’re probably right

You’re probably right GranTotem. I’ll get my lawyers to contact Sony straight away :smiley: