Remote functions. do somebody know (can explain)?

hi guys,

i’m planning to create remote similar to Zenta’s one (may be bit simplified) but based on arduino or wiring platform.
so here i have a question (s) actually i want to know what SSC functions are sitting in background.
with movements there is no questions one rod is just sending commands to players i understand.
i’m wondering whats is in background of keys(pots) responcible for movement speed control, floor clearance etc. do somebody know?
will be much appreciated

Think of the XBee DIY remote as a PS2 on steroids. That is we send a packet of data from the remote to the robot, Currently the packet has 2 bytes at the start which correspond to the 16 buttons on the keypad, followed by a byte for each of the different controls. 2 bytes per joystick (up down/Left right), 1 byte for each of the sliders and now one byte for each of the pots. With Zentas changes we have now used up all 20 IO pins of the BB2, including all 8 Analog pins).

The reason I mention all of the above is to say that it is up to each robot to choose to use those inputs. Example with Phoenix, we have different modes to update how we use the controls, but for example when configured for walking, we have 1 joystick controlling moving the robot in any of 360 degrees, the other joystick is used to rotate the robot, The sliders are use to control the speed and how high to lift the legs. The pots are used to control some rotation of the body and how high up the body is… But then if we choose a different mode, we may remap all of these controls.

The majority of the time we are not using the General purpose sequencer and updating the player, we are instead simply using servo group moves, where we have already done the calculation where we want each servo to go. We do have one mode that does run canned sequences using the player as well.

As I mentioned in a different thread, I recently purchased two new 4 function gimbals and am trying to decide if I will update my DIY remote, or build up a second one with different hardware as a second test bed. If I goes this route, I may also for the fun of it, use an Arduino Mega board as I don’t have any spare BB2 except for my test one…

If I go the Arduino route, I will probably go Mega as I have a couple of them sitting around and because the Arduinos like the UNO only have 6 Analog pins whereas the Megas have 16. Note our current (Zenta updated) remotes use 8 Analog pins. But that does not need to limit you as up till this recent hardware change, we were only using 6…

likewise you are at the limits of the number of digital pins as well. That is we are currently using:
9 pins for Keypad and extra buttons
1 pin LCD
2 for hardware serial port (used for programming and debugging - USB port on UNO)
(Used to use 1 pin for speaker on BB2, but disabled when added pots)
So we are using 14 digital pins which would barely fit on UNO, again no room for speaker, with Mega you have plenty: 50+
Will probably need to use Software Serial on UNO as USB uses the hardware port, but with Mega you have 4 hardware serial port.

If I go this route, I will probably have code configured to allow both Arduino (Botboardunio) and Mega (Botborduino mega) configurations…

I hope I answered your question


indeed :smiley:
but i’m planning to create something less complicated, just one bot, bluetooth, no keys remap etc.

thats i am searching for. my idea is to eliminate additional brain on hex or may be simple arduino mini based on mega 8 chip in SMD mount.
i’m suspecting that the speed modifier is a kind of additional parameter to player command.
so looking for kind of a list of everything what SSC can do :unamused:
i think body lift is working on a kind of offsets or something.

thats info i’m searching for

arduino mega are nice, i really like it but a bit expensive here in Poland (well not so expensive like 2 LiPo packs or 18 servos but still)
Wiring platform is based on Mega 128 chip so 2 hardware serials and plenty of digital and analog legs to use and i have few already, thats why.

DFRobot make Arduino Mego board.

That’s the one i have for my transmitter.

ok, board is not a problem actually. i can do it myself if needed.
more over i’m interested in what this board is sending to hexbot ,
and because i want to eliminate additional big board on robot searching interesting SSC functions like
servos offset, speed modifiers and others