Rebuilding the Robosnail

Robosnail was my first working robot. For nostalga, maybe a challenge entry, and just to have it running again, I'll attempt a rebuild this fun little robot, addiing some of the components previously used, and improving a couple others. In it's intial configuration, Robosnail used CDs as wheels, but that had a few traction problems. The current wheels are scavenged baby stroller wheels, which a set screw has been added to, that attach to a couple of Canon gearmotors.

The body of the robot is a paper cover for a label printer, also scavenged. The hinged undercarrage was from a PCB etching that didn't quite work out. and the tail wheel was taken from a discarded suitcase, and bodged together with a bolt and a few nuts.

These are the original electronics that were in Robosnail and a couple of more recent robots. The top is a TRaCY Basic Stamp 2 board, with a little piezo speaker, and LED, and power/ground/signal pins for all I/O. The bottom right is an IRPD (infrared proximity detector) that is PIC based. The bottmo left is a hand wired 754410 h-bridge. And the hacked tail caster.

I intend to power Robosnail with this 12 volt battery (previously was a 9.6 I think).

And replace my crappy caster with this fancy smancy dual wheel desk caster.

And maybe eventually replace the sssslllooowww Canon motors with these that are a little quicker. But then would I still call it Robosnail? I don't know.

Navigates very slowly, possibly to enter another challenge

  • Actuators / output devices: 2 gear motors
  • Control method: autonomous
  • CPU: TRaCY Basic Stamp 2 board
  • Power source: 12 v NiCd pack
  • Programming language: Parallax Basic
  • Sensors / input devices: dual IR detectors plus others to be added
  • Target environment: Indoor or outdoor

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Robosnail Plus
It’ll still look like a snail, but faster! That’s a sweet chassis, anyway. Loads of potential.

Very nice - you should get

Very nice - you should get it working again! Maybe pop the gearheads off and use FETS - put some long fuzzy ears on it and it could be robo-rabbit!

The body is great, very retro - like something out of the Jetsons !

Nice design!!I´m curious to
Nice design!!
I´m curious to see this working!!!

Hey I remembered you showed
Hey I remembered you showed that robot at the Community Studios, that robot was awesome

Thanks Arturo, it was great
Thanks Arturo, it was great getting to see your robot too, you really put a lot of thought and work into it. Would be great for you to update your robot here and show off what you did.