Rduino or PickX

Hey, I want to make a quadraped...

But I am confused b/w Picaxe 28 pin project board and Aurduino Duemilanove....

Please suggest me which one I shall use....

I know picaxe is easy and I have experience over it...but I want to ask those who have experience with Aurduino..Is it BETTER than picaxe \ just slightly Better or even worse...


(I have basic knowledge of C for arduino programming as well)

Please do mention if there are some/any drawbacks of picaxe for using in Quadbot...




Your reply is useful but my question is more specific:

Picaxe 28 Pin Project Board OR Arduino Duemilanove

Which one do you think is better for a Quad Bot?


How many servos do you plan to attempt to control?



Maybe eight?

but do you have any idea of controlling a QuadBot with 4 servos? (cause I’m running short of piggybank balance…)

While OddBot didn’t say pick this one or pick that one,

his response was diplomatic. Both microcontrollers are capable of doing what you ask. The saying goes, there is more than one way to skin a cat, and, given the two choices, this cat won’t be any easier or harder to skin one way or the other. It really comes down to personal choice at that point. There are already arudino quadropeds in a few different manifestations posted here. Recent memory does not bring any PICAXE based quadropeds to mind. If you want to be different and walk your own road, build one with a PICAXE. If you want to build a bot and have a number of people with experience with your hardware and some of the same problems, build it with an arduino (my opinion, if you go arduino, is to use either a Nano or a purpose built board with a preprogrammed chip).

My opinion, go PICAXE. Downside? You won’t have people with the exact same experience as you to lean on. That is not to say that you won’t be able to get help with it because you are building something different. You just won’t be able to say, “How did you get around this problem?” and get an answer that will line up almost exactly with your hardare/software.

Even though I might tell you to try the PICAXE route, I know that the arduino route is more sensible. C/C++ is a better structured language to build more complex robots on vs BASIC. In the end based on your options either route will get you to the end product you are after.

PS - after re-reading your question, I would have to lean arduino. Due to the structure of the language and the options it will give you in the future.


now what I could understand:
that making it with Picaxe shall be  a different experience…
but according to a fair comparision, Arduino shall be better in future for complex tasks…

what I gonna do:

try it out with the Picaxe 28x which I currently have with me…and later on go for a Nano or Uno…


thanks again mr.Birdmum for all the help.

You’ve already had tonnes of information…

…and that too from people who are more knowledgeable than me but one key thing that everyone has not struck on is your pocket. You say that you are on a slim budget. I’ll post my reply wrt that.

I’m also making a quad ped robot and I’m doing it the arduino way. The reason for that is-

1. I know C ++ better than I know basic.

2. Arduino is open source and cheaper than a picaxe (cheaper than a picaxe programming cable).

3. I didn’t have a board so I made the decision to go with arduino .

Now, my understanding of the situation says that since you have a small budget, know both basic and c but have a picaxe already, you should make your robot with the picaxe. Later on when you have more money, you can, if you want or if the situations force you, invest in an arduino and remake your project (robot).

As for info on the minimum number of servos required for a robot, bird was good enough to shaow me a link on making a quad with a single servo. Search for sg 90 servos on ebay.com. Maybe you’ll get cheap ones. Again, the best deal I’ve seen for those is $13 for 6- http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=221002832637.


you’re right…arduino is cheaper…and I can buy it but my main problem about the budget is of servos as there are no cheap 9g servo available in India!

Did you check the link I posted above?
You can buy your servos from any ebay shop. You just need a credit card and a paypal account and when I was I minor, I had a credit card(although I never used it) so I don’t see a reason why you can’t have one or a papal account. I know we don’t have local shops like radio shack here in India. You can usually get 9gm servos for $ 4 max very easily usually with free world wide shipping

Just saw that my first link doesn’t work…

So here’s the other one- http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewitem?itemId=160793595190&index=0&nav=SEARCH&nid=97248803503

And I know that works but for how long, I don’t know…


thanks for the second link…

have luckily got a credit card!

Picaxe is also better.

as picaxe is having on board L293D motor driver and for servos you just have to solder 2 pins to connect direct servos.as in arduino

you have to get a breadboard for the connection.

Atleast arduino is better that way…
Since the picaxe comes with an inbuilt port for L293D it becomes more our less a compulsion that way to use an L293D with it. Arduino on the other hand is loads more flexible. You can use, any h bridge you like and not be limited by L293D and it’s stall current of 0.6 A. You can choose what you want (that’s my main point, it gives you the freedom to choose unlike picaxe). And if truth be told, I’ll rather buy 15 breadboard for prototyping and testing rather than one picaxe cable (and that’s the lowest price, $15). Also, fyi, many Arduino clones today come with inbuilt motor driver circuits (if you prefer it that way). And making the breadboard motor driver is just too easy. Oddbot has been good enough to give his opinions on differences in basic and C.

Something for you-


Heey,!thanks, this one is


thanks, this one is nice option.!