It’s late in Northern Ireland, so I’ll make this quick…
I want to try and track a radio signal indoors within around about a 20m radius. Not too hard…?
I was planning on using three antennas placed as far apart as possible, although even then that would only be between 5-10m, and using the time of arrival technique to give a fairly accurate position. I already know I’m going to need a fast microcontroller!
Is this possible? Has it been done? Is there even a cheap(er) solution on the market pre-built?
RDF? Indoors is likely to give you a LOT of reflections! TDOA to track a 'bot? Interesting task. Of course there’s information out there, I designed and built one some time ago. Here’s a TDOA site:
Or perhaps you’ve already done the RF stuff. 5-10 meters would be quite close. A fast micro? Not necessarily. You’ll need three receivers (I’d think) and a fast switching rate for the elements of the antennas. Are you planning on using a switched capacitor filter? Just curious. With three bearings you can triangulate to the target.
The scale of this usually dictates an outside project! We hams call it “Fox Hunting”.