R3M3 Version I

When I started R3M3, a month ago, I was using a BS2 for the core intelligence. Aside from price, I enjoyed the simplicity of the Basic Stamp. However, I have since been turned onto the cost-effective-tiny-form-factor PICAXE. So I swapped out the BS2 for a 40X and have used a 14M and an old NES Advantage as it's core controller.

Upcoming upgrades include beefier 36mm BaneBot gearmotors, quadrature encoders, and closed loop data logging.

Rolls, waits for me to tell it to do something

  • Actuators / output devices: 16mm BaneBot planetary gearmotors 800RPM, Sabertooth 2x5
  • Control method: RF, modified NES Advantage
  • Power source: 7.2V NiMH
  • Programming language: Basic
  • Target environment: My office

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/r3m3-version-i

Yay! Another Convert!Can’t

Yay! Another Convert!

Can’t wait to see some vids of your bot in action :3


Yes, an effortless conversion.

I look forward to getting a video camera, TBD.

VIDEO :smiley:
VIDEO :smiley:

Nice look
What did the container used to be?

Scooter Carrying Case
The container came on my Lance 50cc scooter. I never put it on and found it stuffed in the back of the closet one day. It has a key lock at the top. So to access the guts, you have to unlock her. It also has a large red relector on the rear.

It looks like a pretty
It looks like a pretty stylish robot. Sometimes repurposing things is the way to go.

Thank you
Thank you. I totally agree.

wait what ?

did you use a vaccum cleaner body ?

I always tought it would be the perfect robot platform!


I can’t wait to see it working, too!

I like voice commands!

Icaro Brito