[r.i.p.] ya2wdnsosbbalabmhamf

The lights are just the Vreg

The lights are just the Vreg ON status lights, but yeah incidently they double as BLING-effect :stuck_out_tongue: I may as well end up adding some blippy sound through a piezo :) 

Well soon after writing the

Well soon after writing the above, I had a breakthrough so now it’s not so bad :slight_smile:

besides that masterpiece of

besides that masterpiece of documentation, your robot is just cool. Also i must admit that your name reading task is fulfilled :slight_smile: I still need to check the audio fule with a syntesizer to make sure every letter is correct spelled but however the result comes out, I will close that case now :slight_smile:

You are now officially a master of pronunciation. Well done!!!



A syntetizer? how would a syntetizer would know better than me? After all given that I was already recognized as the Master of Pronunciation… now there’s no ‘takesis backsies’… :smiley: My word is final and adamant! :expressionless:

(…will continue comment of your blog)