R/C Robotic Car V2

This was my second Robot that I built after I started making robots. Very basic r/c car which does not use any micro. Its based on a 8 bit encoder/ decoder and a pair of RF Transmitter/ receiver. with some custom made High current H bridge motor driving circuits.

I bought some toys which served me the wheels, motors and the gears, The black portion around the wheel was completely extracted from a cheap plastic toy tank. The circuits were made on a ptoto board and was enclosed within a chocolate plastic box(with chess board on the lid :P).

I used four channels of the available eight channels from the encoder/decoder for controlling the direction of the robot. The motion is differential drive mechanism (remember I used parts from the toy tank) Of the four unused channels, I used one channel to turn ON/OFF the white LEDs which serve as head lights for the car ;)

This Bot is dead now with the cheap parts of the toy tank broken into pieces. I have the details of building this robot in my website, I will share the link below if someone is interested in implementing it .

Move around on pressing the buttons on the remote

  • Actuators / output devices: Two small 9V motors
  • Control method: Radio wireless
  • Power source: 8.4V 1.3Ah NiMh
  • Sensors / input devices: RWS 433
  • Target environment: indoors/outdoors/small areas

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/r-c-robotic-car-v2