R/C robot rover with ARDUINO and raspberry pi

Hi everybody, I just finished my project R/C Robot and I want to share my experience with you.
I have often doing some research on letsmakerrobots but never contribute, by my lack of knowledge in this area, but to remedy this I decided to make a Google site with the details and source code for my robot.

This small robot rover ( dagu rover 5) with a webcam mounted on a servo motor to manage its angle, a motor controller for the direction and speed of movement, and this controller manages an arduino uno and the latter receive these order a raspberry pi .
RPI hosts a web server that is available the user interface of the rover, the interface has been designed for iPad contains a directional pad button that moves up and down for the cam and 2 ON / OFF button to turn the rover and LEDS webcam.

so far my project this down to it if you’re interested and you wanted more information here is the link to my Google sites : https://sites.google.com/site/diyroverindoor/ (this is a french website but the code is international)

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/r-c-robot-rover-with-arduino-and-raspberry-pi


yeah i agree with duane looking foward to seeing this one in action