Questions about the SDP Mini RPlidar Experimental 2WD Robot

Hi Sebastien

Yep, hahahaha, I am always on the fringes… Also needling them to upgrade the SDK can only be good for them. The technology is good and should be used in its best light…

I shall let you know if and when there is any progress.

Take care and have a great day


Hi I have bought two RPLidars (having had reliabilty problems with used Neato XV11 Lidar) - I still am trying to load the source for ultra_simple and modify the code so that I can add OSC into it and use the data. Am I right that if I use Visual Studio 2010 this will enable me to do this? I await your comments guys, time is short for I have to hand a project in soooon!

Thanks in advance, I will check out this forum, its great here

Hi James,

If you are having any SDK issues, we recommend that you first make sure you have the latest version (see here). If you have any specific issues, the best would be to report it on their repository/GitHub account directly. This manufacturer is typically quite fast as responding to support request (just note they are in China, so you may have some delays in getting responses due to time zones and day/night being opposites).

Maybe Doug has some ideas about this, too?


Hi James and scharette

The Slamtec SDP Mini web page is

You can find all the latest downloads here for the SDP Mini for the RPLidar 2

The Slamtec support group is attentive and responds usually within a day. The issue I had with them is that their SDK’s are based on VS2010, which is rather old. I am running VS2017 . I have been strongly suggesting that they upgrade their SDK as many developers use VS2015 or VS2017, with other development controls such as Infragistics and going back to VS2010 is a problem. Also I had problems loading VS2010 onto my Windows 10 development system, given that it was developed long before W10. I finally loaded VS2010 on a clean W10 system. A number of the sample programs still had Chinese text throughout the screens. Slamtec are busily converting their materials to English.

You can contact Slamtec on [email protected]

I gave up on the Slamtec gear for the time being. Good luck.


I had recently purchased SDP Mini from, I liked its feature and hence purchased it immediately for hands on experience of creating autonomous robots. After following the quick setup guide I installed the app and after some clicks I connected SDP mini. Though I can see one second delay between the app command and SDP mini reacting to it bit late.

Anyhow, I have 2 issues in hand to resolve and looking for help from this forum -

  1. I downloaded windows slamtec robot studio software. After much try I can see my robot name under the software robot list but moment I exit the software and restart it then I can’t find my robot at all. I want help or tips to connect my robot thru my wifi. Please help !

  2. 8 AA batteries that I am supposed to use works for only 3-4 minutes. Can you please help me by suggesting some other option to connect batteries with longer work duration. Every 3-4 minutes I have to buy new set of batteries which is painful.


Finally after lot of hit and try, I was able to run SDP mini . I had purchased SDP mini from robotshop to try my hands on LIDAR. SDP mini works perfect using the robot studio software.

Now I have following issue for which I would like to get some help / suggestions .

I have changed the robot base and motor so that I can develop my own commercial autonomous food delivery robot. I am using all the components of SDP mini but wheels and base are bit bigger.

Issue 1

When I move my robot forward (using Robo Studio software of slamtec), it moves forward but the Robo Studio Map shows that robot has traveled bit further by atleast 20 inch. This causes lot of issue related to POI that I assign on map, as Robot travels much further from assigned POI and doesn’t stop exactly at the assigned POI.

Issue 2

I have downloaded latest version of SDK from slamtec website but on running/compiling it on visual studio 2010, it shows plenty of errors and hence I am not able to load it. Any tips how to resolve these errors like (when I build move_to_spot) -
1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol “class std::basic_ostream<char,struct std::char_traits > std::cout” (?cout@std@@3V?$basic_ostream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@1@A)
1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___security_cookie referenced in function “void __cdecl ShowHelp(class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits,class std::allocator >)” (?ShowHelp@@YAXV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z)
1>main.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol ___CxxFrameHandler3 referenced in function __ehhandler$?ShowHelp@@YAXV?$basic_string@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@V?$allocator@D@2@@std@@@Z

After reading all documentation, I am able to burn firmware on slamtec so any suggestion related to updating the firmware then we can do that too.