Quadru-Pet 1 (Arduino + SSC32 robot)

Hi folks,

First I’d like to say what a great forum this is - loads of useful information and advice :slight_smile:

I’ve just started out on my first robotics project. It’s a quadruped build using SES parts (thx innerbreed) and controlled by an Arduino and SSC-32:

I’m keeping a video-blog of developments and more information on my website here:


As you might see in the latest blog - I’ve already burnt out two of the crappy Tower Pro MG995 servos :unamused: I will want to replace all the servos with 645’s but as they are soo expensive it’s going to take me a while to save up the cash (Anyone want to trade some for a 40GB PS3 or a banned 360?). In the meantime I can crack on with the software side of things …

The code is currently based on Xan’s Phoenix code but running on my Arduino (which is upgraded to the ATmega328). The Phoenix source code is well commented and really easy to follow. It has given me an insight into how to implement the various IK needed to get things moving sweetly. However, I’ve started working on my own IK and gait routine because I prefer a challenge! I’m aiming for a slow creep based on some video of a cat I found on YouTube and the 6th sequence that is described by Oricom creep stability info www14.addr.com/~oricom//projects/proj2/crp-stab.htm.

I also need to design a custom chassis and somehow get it cut out of aluminium. The meccano just isn’t doing it for me - although it has provided a quick way to get things up and running!

Anyway, I’ll post an update when I’ve made any significant progress - but considering I’m skint and also about to move down south I’m not sure how much time I can spend on this until next year …

Thx for reading!

Too bad about your servos!

Oricom is a GREAT reference! Dan is most knowledgeable.

I too am working on a quadruped (quite slowly). It does have a set of 475 servos, and I’m swapping them out for 645’s. Even got a FREE SCC-32 on my last servo order!

What does your chassis look like, and where are you located?

Sometimes, a small aluminum box can be used as a chassis.

Alan KM6VV

Did you have any trouble porting over the code? I re-wrote it for the arduino but i seem to be stuck some where on it…

good job on the build tho

Nice work. I think you are the first to intergrate arduino with ssc-32? Looks like more and more people are picking up quadruped project. 8)