

I wanted to make a 4 legged robot inspired by the way dogs walk. However i initially had no idea about robots or programming. Then one of my friends,Adrian  introduced me to Arduino.

We ordered 4 tower pro servos from ebay and bought all the other items including the Arduino uno board locally.Since arduino has many libraries and has a much simpler form of C++, it was easier for us get hold of it. Once the servos arrived we tried to make a Quadruped with just 4 servos (tower pro sg90 ) however, it was an utter disaster. The gearing was plastic and they were stripped and the robot never moved and inch forward.
Then we ordered another 8 servos (Tower pro mg90s)  that had metal gearing. They held up really well throughout our project and very much recommend it, To power the servos we used an external power supply which we initially plugged into a usb port. 
We were worried about the portable power supply. when we found out about the rechargeable batteries that came with CDMA telephones of 4.2v. They were perfect for our arduino project. 
Once, the codes for moving forward and back were done, we altered the code to make it work through a usb seriel port via the software puTTy. We assigned keys to each movement. We also connected a bluetooth module HC-06. 
Currently we are working on the code to turn the robot left and right and using puTTy via the usb connection as of (16th May 2017).

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/quadro-pet

Hi ruwantha!
Welcome to Let’s Make Robots! I’m always excited to see projects like this.

I must say that your project is very impressive for your first robot!

I also tried to make a quadruped, but with only a single motor- and to this day it only skitters diagonally.

Awesome work!

Wild little Puppy

I really like your project. I would like to see a video.

I have had many experiences with the plastic gear servos and know what you mean they are fine I think for small RC vehicles or doing any non lifting of weight. I am looking forward to seeing more on this.


Thanks for the valueble comment.

Videos are being uploaded to this blog within 1 day. mean time you can search my youtube video :

" Quadro_Pet - Step 4 : Independently walking Mammal Pod "

and see how it walks.wait for more…now workng on bluethooth controlling,


Thanks for appriciation. It is really inspiring me to do more work on this project.

Bluetooth Module Changed

Before we were using HC-06 Bluetooth Module. But there were issues connecting it because it needs 3.3v input to RX pin.But audrino signal outputs 5V. So  We used 1k resister and a 2K(2.2k) resister as a voltage divider to reduce the signal volatege.

But Batteries were not powerful enough to give the output  we needed(3.3v).

So we brought HC-05 Bluethooth module in to play.

It is pretty simple to connect.We were able to directly connect the RX, TX of the module to arduino Data pins(ex : D10, D11).

You can get the power to the bluethooth module from arduino board itself via 5V pin and GND pin .