Quadrino Nano Flight Controller - Opening Code in Arduino

The green “Programming succeeded…” message should be shown just after the flash, before the “Tuning Requested” message.

  • Tuning Requested
    This is only to change the PID settings according to your “Copter” choices. It will look at the current values (stored in the Quadrino) and compare to the ones generated by the FCT. If they do not match, it will ask you.

The core problem is the drivers and/or the connections between the Quadrino and the PC.

  • What do you have connected to your board ?
  • Which Windows version are you running on ?

Can you post a picture of your “Driver” tab regarding the Silicon Labs CP210x like that ?

  • I had the receiver and ESC wire group connected the board, but I took them off during recent trials.

  • Microsoft Windows 10 Home

  • Driver tab looks the same:

This topic was transferred to internal RobotShop Support.

I’ve sent this to our RMA department as i feel the Quadrino Nano serial chip might be the issue.
You have the right drivers and Arduino IDE should work.

Note: We will only send you the PCB so don’t send the whole thing back.