QuadraPod Frame design now named 'LittleQuadra'

L1 and L2 shoulder buttons will put it into body move mode.

; Walk method 1: ; - Left Stick Walk/Strafe ; - Right Stick Rotate ; ; Walk method 2: ; - Left Stick Disable ; - Right Stick Walk/Rotate ; ; ;PS2 CONTROLS: ; [Common Controls] ; - Start Turn on/off the bot ; - L1 Toggle Shift mode ; - L2 Toggle Rotate mode ; - Circle Toggle Single leg mode ; - Square Toggle Balance mode ; - Triangle Move body to 35 mm from the ground (walk pos) ; and back to the ground ; - D-Pad up Body up 10 mm ; - D-Pad down Body down 10 mm ; - D-Pad left decrease speed with 50mS ; - D-Pad right increase speed with 50mS ; ; [Walk Controls] ; - select Switch gaits ; - Left Stick (Walk mode 1) Walk/Strafe ; (Walk mode 2) Disable ; - Right Stick (Walk mode 1) Rotate, ; (Walk mode 2) Walk/Rotate ; - R1 Toggle Double gait travel speed ; - R2 Toggle Double gait travel length ; ; [Shift Controls] ; - Left Stick Shift body X/Z ; - Right Stick Shift body Y and rotate body Y ; ; [Rotate Controls] ; - Left Stick Rotate body X/Z ; - Right Stick Rotate body Y ; ; [Single leg Controls] ; - select Switch legs ; - Left Stick Move Leg X/Z (relative) ; - Right Stick Move Leg Y (absolute) ; - R2 Hold/release leg position ; ; [GP Player Controls] ; - select Switch Sequences ; - R2 Start Sequence


Anybody know this screen


I would like to put a screen on the robot to show information (like witch mode… etc)

Are they easy to use ?

Tanks you again…

I have not used that color one before, I have used their 16x2 green one before. Mine worked well for awhile and then died. Since I had moved the display from robot to robot and the like I don’t know if I did something wrong to it. I know others have had better luck. But I also know that over on the forums: societyofrobots.com/robotforum/index.php I have read several people having issues with the sparkfun display…


Tanks Kurt,

I have a small LCD display that i have found at my work office, i don’t know if it’s usable ?


I don’t know anything about lcd… :frowning:


Can i just show the serial out to the ssc-32 ?

Some new high resolution pictures:


I have made a hack that i have see in an other post. A switch to chose if the SSC-32 use the onboard serial or from the BotBoard. Work good… :wink:

Ok… first walk…

Some body problem when turning on itself…
I think my dimension are not accurate since legs are not always planted on the ground…

if you experiment with the body shifting table so that the table runs up and down equally it should solve this. the reason it has problems turning is the dimensions for the chassis i was using were unequal. the distance between the back legs were larger than that of the front, so i accommodated for this in the table. you chassis should have more equilibrium so your table will need to adjusted. :wink: great to see it walking.

Would like to get it working with my transmitter…



I have download the code there

But it do nothing… probably me… lol

I thought id post this here as other might also wish to use this information or even add to it.

Z= front to back plain
X= left to right plain

yes first i would get the initpos, leg dimensions, and Body dimensions corrected. this will help.

The hard fix:

[code]'Walking comp tables for 24step: Quad
; GaitLegNr(cLF) = 13
; GaitLegNr(cRR) = 19
; GaitLegNr(cRF) = 1
; GaitLegNr(cLR) = 7

; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR)
;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
X_Axis_Shift bytetable 89, 90,100,110,120,130,140,150,151,152,153,152,151,150,140,130,120,110,100, 90, 89, 88, 87, 88, 89,
; (RF) (LR) (LF) (RR)
;0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,
Z_Axis_Shift bytetable 140,138,140,142,144,146,148,150,148,146,144,142,140,138,140,142,144,146,148,150,148,146,144,142,140

the leg numbers refer to the order of sequence that they run in. rf=1 lr=7 lf=13 rr=19.

We use a bytetable to list these legs in a sequence, and we can see were in that sequence they are.

in red: the number 128 is center so if bodyX=128 and bodyZ=128 then the center of the body wont move as the sequence runs, but if bodyX=128 and bodyZ=90 then the body would shift forward during each step depending on were you place the (90 or what ever value of movement you need). if the bodyX=128 and bodyZ=152 then the body will shift backwards during each step. same applied with the X table. equaling left or right.

looking at the Xtable you will see that when ever the Left legs fall into the sequence that the value is at 150. this means the body shifts the weight over to the right.
you will also see that when ever the right legs fall into the sequence that the value is at 90. this means the body shifts the weight over to the left.
at the point were the body shifts back over to the opposite side you will see that the values almost return to the 128 value (center) but then jump back up or down ready for the next side.

all you will need to do its equal the tables out so it makes the body center go round in circles. front- **left **- rear- **right **then back to front. looking from the video i would say you will only need to adjust the values that surround the RR leg (Rear Right).

The easy fix:
might also be a good idea to see if the battery or something else is coursing the body to fall over to that leg.

Hope this help you. :wink:

That was realy helpfull Jonny…

Can’t tanks you enough… !

I have play with the table a bit.
I have also correct the REG of ssc-32 for two coxa back leg… My fauld… :frowning:

As for the initial position… how do i know that ?

another common question.
the init pos will be the position the quad is to be in when you turn it on. before standing up.

this distance is the measurement in mm from the tip of the foot (tar) to the center of the coxa shaft on the XYZ plane, when the leg is “curled up” as shown in picture. the most difficult measurement to take or even explain. but i will try.

Imagine the tip of the leg sitting in 3d space in XYZ plain.
X left-right
Y up - down
Z front - back

With the quad sitting with its legs 90º from each other, you will need to measure from the center point of the coxa out along the X Y and Z planes.
The blue dot in the center represents the coxa servo shaft
The light blue line is the angle of the leg from the body.
the red dot is the position of the tip of the foot.
the dotted green line is the measurement you need to take.
if the leg is off the floor then the Y plane can be used.

i hope this helps.

Realy interesting… !
I am learning every seconds… lol

I have made some experiments, but i seem to have a REG problem. I saw that you have put servo offset in your program. Probably that you don’t use the SSC-32 REG at all.

Can you explain how you calculate those:

[code];[SERVO Offsets]
cRFCoxaOffset con 650+2 ;Front Right leg Hip Horizontal
cRFFemurOffset con 650-67 ;Front Right leg Hip Vertical
cRFTibiaOffset con 650+317 ;Front Right leg Knee
cRFTarsOffset con 650-396 ;Front Right leg foot

cRMCoxaOffset con 650-12 ;Middle Right leg Hip Horizontal
cRMFemurOffset con 650-104 ;Middle Right leg Hip Vertical
cRMTibiaOffset con 650+363 ;Middle Right leg Knee
cRMTarsOffset con 650-378 ;Middle Right leg foot

cRRCoxaOffset con 650-68 ;Rear Right leg Hip Horizontal
cRRFemurOffset con 650-32 ;Rear Right leg Hip Vertical
cRRTibiaOffset con 650+438 ;Rear Right leg Knee
cRRTarsOffset con 650-289 ;Rear Right leg foot

cLFCoxaOffset con 650+89 ;Front Left leg Hip Horizontal
cLFFemurOffset con 650+183 ;Front Left leg Hip Vertical
cLFTibiaOffset con 650-245 ;Front Left leg Knee
cLFTarsOffset con 650+416;Front Left leg foot

cLMCoxaOffset con 650+58 ;Middle Left leg Hip Horizontal
cLMFemurOffset con 650+59 ;Middle Left leg Hip Vertical
cLMTibiaOffset con 650-313 ;Middle Left leg Knee
cLMTarsOffset con 650+338 ;Middle Left leg foot

cLRCoxaOffset con 650-66 ;Rear Left leg Hip Horizontal
cLRFemurOffset con 650+115 ;Rear Left leg Hip Vertical
cLRTibiaOffset con 650-405 ;Rear Left leg Knee
cLRTarsOffset con 650+356 ;Rear Left leg foot [/code]


those are not the offsets we are talking about.

i was going to paste more here but you can read the thread on this here:

if you wanted to keep the offsets in your BAP program you can always just knock the electronics together without configuring the legs and then use this type of “offset” table for the values.
you will need to remove the servo lables i have shon in this table and replace then with your own.
Again you will need to set the servos to "po0 (this is center) and then work from there increasing or decreasing the number using -+ increments.

; Servo Offsets (manual input!) ;ONLY USE THESE IF NOT USING REGISTERS, otherwise 'comment out. serout SSC_OUT,SSC_BAUD,"#",dec | RRHipSwayPin,"po-90 #",dec | RRHipRotatePin,"po70 #",dec | RRHipZPin,"po0 #",dec | RRKneeZPin,"po70 #",dec | RRTarPin,"po80 #",dec | LRHipSwayPin,"po50 #",dec | LRHipRotatePin,"po50 #",dec | LRHipZPin,"po0 #",dec | LRKneeZPin,"po0 #",dec | LFTarPin,"po0 #",dec | RFHipSwayPin,"po90 #",dec | RFHipRotatePin,"po99 #",dec | RFHipZPin,"po-90 #",dec | RFKneeZPin,"po0 #",dec | RFTarPin,"po80 #",dec | LFHipSwayPin,"po60 #",dec | LFHipRotatePin,"po99 #",dec | LFHipZPin,"po0 #",dec | LFKneeZPin,"po0 #",dec | LFTarPin,"po0",13]

Another Side Question:

I have sell an old laptop (off topic but) and got some $$.
I want to know something, if i buy a T-Hex frame, Can i configure it to use only 4 legs for the moment. Or the weight will be off balance… or something.
I am interested in that frame cause it’s look sturdier than phoenix and have lot more possibility…
Since i want to upgrade to 6 legs when i will have the $$.

Tanks again for all your support

a THex frame would certainly give you more options but im not sure it would be sturdier as the chassis length is longer and the width is shorter meaning weight distribution will not be as equal. im not saying this will be a problem, and you could almost certainly get it to walk very well.

would look something like this? :wink:

i think that if you reversed the chassis and had the larger end at the back and then used the middle section for the front legs this would give you a section at the front for adding claws or something. just spit balling here. :wink:
like this:

Tanks innerbreed
I think i will go that way… (not play a lot with my custom frame… lol)
I can maybe bolt another frame to the existing one… to make a 6 legs…

I was looking to buy a Serial LCD screen, but i had a flash this morning…

I do have an embedded computer witch run on Windows Mobile 6. It does have a screen… lol and some serial port…
I can run a Serial Terminal in it… so i think i can display at least that…

Would be nice to program an app that show the data in a beter form… :wink:

The Embedded PC itself

Video testing from a Putty Terminal on a PC to the Putty terminal on the Mini2440

Just made a Render to have a look of what it could look like…


Again… don’t look at the legs, they will be like the one i already have on the LittleQuadra

Our T-Hex chassis parts are different, we added several leg connection points on the chassis. With 7 separate places to attach to there are many ways to connect 4 legs with varying balance and COG properties. :smiley:

wow iv not seen that one. i might be paying a visit to Active for that. i didn’t realize you had added more holes. :wink: 8)

So the best way is to buy a T-Hex frame… ?

Cause they have it in stock … and can have it today…!! Hi Hi… :stuck_out_tongue: