

Awesome! Good job

FDinally I saw the video. It

FDinally I saw the video. It looks promising. But my concern is that thise micro swervos does not have enough power to move it around since it’s quite a long lever…But I could (hope so) be wrong…Collected and watching :wink:

Yes. Everyone is right. All

Yes. Everyone is right. All they said is true!


bigdog project make servo

bigdog project make servo minicat :]


is perfect!!! very very cool!!

Can I suggest putting a

Can I suggest putting a little rubber pad at the end of each foot? to reduce slipping as it walks.  The leg coordination looks fantastic in the video!  I can’t wait to see it walking on it’s own feet. :slight_smile:

Reminds me " Big Dog " too

Reminds me " Big Dog " too :slight_smile:  Great job!

I’m not sure why I can’t see

I’m not sure why I can’t see the video, but this looks and sounds awesome!

Cool Feet

Those feet are really cool looking and functional. Really awesome project!

Wow!! really nice! :slight_smile: can’t

Wow!! really nice! :slight_smile: can’t wait to see in real action! :wink:

Good looking

This is a very cool looking awesome robot,

Good Job!!

Quads are Cool

I love the design! Keep up the good work!

Any news about your project?

Any news about your project? Are you on the programming that we can see it walking soon? Waiting… :slight_smile:


ah, very slow week. Fitted new stiffer springs to feet as original ones bouncing around much too joyfully. And trying out different ways of balancing the thing. Not hoping for anything better than 2nd vid till post-Christmas. Quick project this is not :slight_smile:

Amazing, keep updating :smiley:

Amazing, keep updating :smiley:

Really Impressive

Maybe this isn’t charging across the room, but it looks very steady on its feet to me.  This is amazingly impressive, definitely has a nice animal stance to it as well.  We have five cats and the posture definitely look familar…LOL.  Good luck with it.

Power supply

Hi! Very nice project! What’s your power supply (how many mAh)?

Any news about the project?

Any news about the project?

Nice project

Very nice project !

Excellent Work!

This is an excellent work! You build servo-based muscles. Did you manage to find gait for turning left, right and around?