
Propbot is based on Parallax propeller.

Open source, shematics and BOM and Code at:
The robot has:

4 reflex sensors to follow lines.
1 socket for xbee radio module
2 H-bridges for motor control.
1 Buzzer.
1 HD44780 LCD socket. (LED backlight via N-ch MOSFET.)
1 FTDI FT232R (USB to Serial Port).
1 LM2623 (step-up DC-DC)
1 MAX1555 (a single-cell lithium-ion charger)
1 MCP3208 (8-Channel 12-Bit A / D Converters)
1 LED for power.
1 LED debug.
1 LED charging indicator
2 RC hobby servo contacts.

Read more and see video at:

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Cool, what is the power

Cool, what is the power source for the robot. I use Prop and I have been having trouble matching power source to motors, but will get it eventually.

Also, what H-Bridges is this using?

Great job.

Good design. Where is the
Good design. Where is the video on that page?

Video is here:

Video is here:

H-Bridge is SI9986, if you look at the schematics you see how the are hoked upp!

Video not shown with Chrome
The video is only shown when the website is viewed with MSIE. I can’t see it in Chrome.

No video in Firefox either
which is sad. Worked in IE though.

Interesting but $$$

Nice robot, but I don’t think anyone would buy it instead of a Pololu 3pi at less than half the cost.


If you build it yourself, it

If you build it yourself, it is not so expensive, bare PCB is $12.48

And the power source is one litium-polymer cell.