Project ABE - XMOS Challenge

There is another small ROV I
There is another small ROV I used a few times called Video Ray (scout). It’s so light that the spring in the Umbilical will actually pull it back once thrust is stopped.

To your pervious post about

To your pervious post about depth.

A simple pressure transducer and a small circuit would fix your problem. All that you would need in the program is to turn the auto depth on/off and the sub will hover at the depth the circuit was turned on. Second you can have an add on to the circuit that will reset every time you thrust up/down past 50% and this will reset auto depth to your new depth.


Looking good!

Looking good!

How are things going with it?


In this week I will post a few videos of: control testing, animation movements. Also algorithms descriptions. I´m editing all the info right now to post it…

Brilliant - cant wait!
That is great - Cant wait to see it!

Sir, I am very interested


I am very interested in this underwater explorer. I would like to see the complete schematics, a partlist and where to get the parts and if possible part numbers and the manufacturer. I would also like to see how you waterproofed everything. Did you ever think about adding a wireless micro video camera to this? I really hope you can help me out. I really appreciate your work that is going and already went into this project.



What kind of operating

What kind of operating parameters are you anticipating?

i.e. salt? fresh?

max operation depth?

will it be tethered or be fully autonomous?

Are there any other kinds of self-preservation external sensors, e.g. sonar?

What, essentially, will be it’s purpose and what do you hope to do with the accumulated data?



Great render animation for
Great render animation for the video. I have added it to the XMOS YouTube channel favs!

This thursday I´ll post another video…

I absolutely love your
I absolutely love your project but am still a little concerned on the buoyancy issue. Judging by your photo I estimate there is at least 4-5kg of buoyancy pulling the bot towards the surface. And that’s a lot of energy wasted if the thrusters have to keep it at a specific depth.<o:p></o:p>Also is there some sort of gyro sensing the orientation of the vessel?<o:p></o:p>Again, I love your project but this is so much more complicated then getting the thrusters and servos waterproof.<o:p></o:p>

In my opinion the weight is

In my opinion the weight is a litle too much, i would suggest that you use Aluminium moisured with anti corosion liquid!

And a smaller version would improve getting into smaller spaces betwen reefs and posibly sunken ships!

About the camera how will you make it water proof with liquid plastic or … i dont know?

Finish this robot soon i must get sceetches for it and start building it! River Danube is waiting ;D