I wired up a L293D to my arduino, planning to run 2 motors with it, and just for testing I runned the blinkie program on it changing the LEDpin to the to the digital pin that goes to the l293d but only half of the pin works, like it turns in only one direction. Is it normal ?
It's 4 in the morning so I did not do a lot of trouble shooting, just changed the pins that were on PWM to digital, it didn't changed anything.
are you using leds instead of motors??? because that is the problem right there… leds can only go on and off. That will f*** up your results a lot. Try using an actual motor, sorry if i am misunderstanding something.
I mounted everything on a protoboard now, no more breaboard, I uploaded the test code you gave me to my arduino, and there’s only one motor spining, I checked the circuit everything looks fine, what’s wrong?
Is it my arduino that is screwed up?
Or is it maybe the circuit that is bad ?
(btw, It was doing the same thing on the breadboard, I just thought that it was the code)
First I used a 9v 300ma power supply, I tought it was that, then I used a 12volts 1.2 amp power supply it didn’t change anything. I’ll post you some pictures later.
I don’t think it’s the code since I use the test code you sent me, but I may be wrong…