Problem with SSC-32 out of the box


I am probably doing something wrong but I don’t see any pulses on a SSC-32 board I bought long time ago, but using them only today. I apply 6V on VS1 and have VS=VL jumper installed. When I send ASCII commands from a terminal (#0 P1500 #1 P1500 ), I have the led flashing, but no pulse outputs (checked with an oscilloscope). Baud rate is ok, power is ok on servo pins, servos are ok. SSC-32 replies with a dot when Q is sent.

SSC-32 v2.01 (Atmega 168)
115200bds 8N1 with Coolterm on Mac (slower bds same problem)

It happens on two SSC-32 board I have. What am I doing wrong ?

Try CR/LF?
Try sending “ver” command.

Alan KM6VV

VER replies. I managed to make the servo moves, but it seems it sends only a single pulse and not a continuous train. Every time I issue a command, the servo just moves a little bit, and so on until it reaches its final destination (or rotate a bit with 360 servos). From time to time, when I send a T something, the servo moves from A to B but maybe only one time over 10.

Is your power supply adequate for powering both the servo and the ssc-32? Try powering the ssc-32 from a 9v battery an the servo from a separate 6v power supply. Check the pulses with the servo disconnected from the board and the board powered from a 9v battery.

Yep as Zoomkat mentioned, it sounds very much like a power issue. I agree with him on try connecting up a 9v battery to VL (remove VS=VL jumper). Also check the voltage of your 6v battery.

Sounds like when you issue the command, the servo starts, which drops the voltage, probably until it is too low and the processor on the SSC-32 reboots.

I will try. The strange thing is that I am testing with my lab PS which can output over 25 amps ! I have tested another servo board (Adafruit) with the same servos and no problems at all.