Problem with my code

hi i wrote a code to drive 2 motors but the weird thing when i run this on the arduino the arduino keeps going to setup each time it goes to read the serial recived but when i ran it on the aruino leonardo it kept writing a very weird error the io exception thing or idk

here is the code 


int motors[2][3]={3,5 ,                  //PWM PINs

                  4,6,                   // wire1

                  7,8} ;                //wire2


int Recived=0;


 void setup(){






 void motor_assignment(int motorno,int motorstate){


  case 0: // stop the motor

    analogWrite( motors[0][motorno],0);



    //    Serial.print("motor ");Serial.print(motorno);

    //     Serial.println(" is now stopped");



  case 1: // go forward

    analogWrite( motors[0][motorno],255);



    //    Serial.print("motor ");Serial.print(motorno);

    //    Serial.println(" is now forward");



  case 2: // go backward

    analogWrite( motors[0][motorno],255);    



    //    Serial.print("motor ");Serial.print(motorno);

    //    Serial.println(" is now backward");




 void ams(int m1,int m2){ // assing motor state




 void behave(){ // does something about the recived character 

  switch (Recived){

   case '0':

   ams(0,0); // stop


   case '1':

   ams (1,1);// forward


   case '2' :

   ams (2,2); // backward


   case 3:

   ams(1,2); // left


   case 4:

   ams (2,1); // right





 void loop(){

  if (Serial.available()){;





My guess is that you have a
My guess is that you have a power problem. If you’re entering setup() more than once then the power to the Arduino is going to low and it’s rebooting.

Question: are you using the +5 out of the Arduino to power your motors?

Are you using rechargable batteries? You almost always should be.

What type of batteries are you using?

Can you attach a detailed image of your robot so we can see the wiring?

One quick thing about your code: the case statement did not have a “default” clause. I would put one into see what the incorrect character is. Also “case 3:” should be “case ‘3’:”, likewise for case 4.

I hope this helps.