Praying Mantis Robot Project!

Black And green. 8)

Hmmm…Yeah, that’s pretty cool! :smiley:
I’m just trying to visualize the colour sequence for the robot brackets. :mrgreen:

i know you cant really “mix” the colours but it would look cool if you could.
Just a quick idea:

That’s very nice and thanks for the comment! :smiley:
I may not be able to mix colours but what I’m going for (well, trying to go for) a lot in this project is having multiple colours in the different brackets - the photo below should hopefully explain what I mean:

I’ve been experimenting with various designs for different parts of the robot and I’ve currently got this design for the arm - it’s a bit unorthodox but it’s only a design so modifications will come :mrgreen:.

Also, since the Mantis uses its legs and arms to walk, would I have to try to make the front of the arm a suitable shape so it can walk properly or could I leave the heavy walking to the 4 legs and use the arms and brief support for the movement?

P.S. The shaded parts of the drawing represent the parts that will be replaced with cut-outs of different colour. :mrgreen:

I’ve managed to sketch the general shape of the head and I’m working on some nice eye designs to make it look awesome - I think I might line bend the head through the centre to give the inner angle as being about 150 degrees or so. I’ll cut it out tomorrow and experiment a little. :mrgreen:

nice idea.
how did you manage to mount the two colors together?

did you cut the outline (negative) into the black part and then cut a (positive) from the red and push or insert the red into the black?

Yep. I did exactly that; cut the outline out in the black and then cut around the red pieces to make them fit. :mrgreen:

I managed to get a fair amount of stuff done today (in the means of cutting out brackets) - I made the main torso and the 4 servo brackets required for the arms (2 servo brackets per arm).

I managed to start experimenting with the head design as well. It’s going to be made up of multiple layers; each of different colours and so far I have the first layer (the basic front face) completed.

Here are some photos! :mrgreen:

And you’re able to bend the 3mm Acrylic plastic for the Arm Bracket? Using temperature?

Great job!

How do the Acrylic brackets hold up? How well does it bend?

Alan KM6VV
(mostly metal)

Thanks! :mrgreen:
Using the strip heater (as mentioned here with a wire of temperature 300-400 degrees, the Acrylic bends very easily.

The brackets don’t actually flex that much because they are always kept tight but if they can flex a bit to avoid shattering. The Acrylic isn’t actually as bad as people say. :mrgreen:

Yes it is! lol


:mrgreen: Well I like it!

Also, none of my parts have shattered or anything yet so it seems to be holding out. :mrgreen:

It’s fine for toying around, but it can’t be used the way you are using it commercially. :wink:

Yeah, I suppose so. :blush:
But since I’ve started, I might as well finish in Acrylic although I’m looking for some ABS suppliers - I found one which sold this really nice dark red textured ABS but the minimum sheet size was something like 2.5x1.25m which was insane! :unamused:

Also, what do you think about the brackets?

Thanks for the link! I got a little behind in the thread, I guess.

Alan KM6VV

No problem! :mrgreen:

Just an update for the arm design for the Mantis - this is the basic structure and I’ll develop it further (adding engravings, making it look cooler). :mrgreen:
Mantis Arm Design #2.jpg

Just an update on the circuit board for the Mantis robot.

The board and everything works fine (WOOHOO! 8)) but the IC socket doesn’t let the Atom Pro fit in properly so I’ll be replacing that (I’ll need to order one because I don’t have any) and then I’ll upload some photos - most likely date will be Monday because I’ve got some Further Maths catching up to do :unamused:.

Hi everyone! Sorry I haven’t updated anything for a while (I’m a week late! Jeez :blush:) - the further maths had really taken up time :unamused:. Anyway, I got the PCB sorted so here’s a video of it moving a leg. I should have the arms ready by Monday (I hope :smiley:) and then the body plates for the bottom half by Friday. :mrgreen: