Power supply requirements for Stepper motor+Controller

Hi, i would like some advise/help on what power supply to buy for:

This stepper controller : robotshop.com/eu/en/tb6600-stepper-motor-driver.html
This stepper motor : robotshop.com/eu/en/12v-28a-3333-oz-in-nema-23-bipolar-stepper-motor.html

The controller says that it can deliver up to 4Amp peak current and as for the stepper motor it can deliver maximum torque of 960 kg-cm at 2.8 Amp although i wont ever run it with 2.8Amp.
Stepper needs minimum 12volt or 24 for better perfomance and i would like to know if that controller will do the job to deliver the necessary voltage and current in order to make the stepper run/work .

Ill connect the controller with an arduino later to controll the steps etc so its very important to me to pick an adapter/power supply for these 2 parts to work.
Also if i picked another couple of same stepper controller but with this stepper : robotshop.com/en/12v-350ma-28oz-in-nema-17-bipolar-stepper-motor.html
Will i have any problems if the i use the same suggested power supply ?

Thank you for your time for reading this and for helping.


The TB6600 Stepper Motor Driver can input from 9V to 42V. The current output from the driver can be set to : 0.5A, 1A, 1.5A, 2A, 2.5A, 2.8A, 3.0A, 3.5A.
The recommended voltage of the RB-Phi-266 is 12V and its rated current is 2.8A.
As long as you set an output current of 2.8A (or more), you shouldn’t have an issue driving the RB-Phi-266 with the TB6600 Driver.
As for the power supply, you can use a 12V/3A adapter.
For example, this 12VDC 3A Wall Adapter Power Supply can be appropriate. You will also need a 2.1mm Barrel Jack to terminal.
This power supply can also be used to power the RB-Ada-138

Thank you for helping me out , i will buy those 3/4 parts now without fear :] . Thanks again for your help i appreciate it .

Shouldn’t that be 2.8 Amps or LESS?

The RB-Phi-266 has a coil rated voltage of 2.5V and a rated current of 2.8A. This basically means if you hook it up to 2.5V, it will draw 2.8A continuously.
If you connect it to a higher voltage, it will draw more current and will get hot but will perform better. Generally, steppers are not directly connected to a voltage source but a stepper drive is used. Stepper motor drivers will regulate the current. Therefore, if you connect the stepper to 12V, for example, while the stepper will attempt to draw more current, the stepper driver won’t allow it and will use high frequency pulses to limit the average current to the desired maximum value.

@namadin13 Can I use my laptop charger which is switching power adapter with DC output 19.5V - 9.23A to the input of TB6600 stepper motor driver?

Hi I have a similar question to the original poster.

I have these steppers that run at 4.2A at 1.6V:

Can I use these TB6600 drivers to power my steppers? I understand that the current will e capped at 4A.
