If I use an Uno V3 and an RB-Cyt-155 Motor Shield stacked together, will the Uno be powered when I connect a 6V power supply to the motor shield? If not what is the proper way to power both from one set of batteries. Obviously I don’t want to connect power till I am sure.
The easiest way to use a single power source is to provide power to the barrel connector where the voltage is at least 7V (for the logic), and on the motor controller, use Vin.
Unfortunately based on the specs, there is no onboard regulator to provide 5V to the Arduino, nor to re-route power to the barrel connector of the microcontroller.
Motor voltage: 5-26V
Logic voltage: 3.3V to 5.5V
If you can find a 5V pack, it would power everything and be close enough to the 6V of your motors. 5V can normally be found in USB battery backup power supplies for cell phones.