
Need a video!!

This would be so awesome to see a video of. Upload a video now boy!!! Please. :smiley:

Nice work though, the newest picture looks great. Can’t wait to see new updates.


This is fantastic in every way. Incredible.

Damn, now I want one!

Very Nice!

Great improvement on resolution. You have already come a long way, and to think you pretty much started not knowing a whole lot about it. Has been fun watching your progress. Great job so far. You just don’t stop till you get what you came for, do you?  Awesome!

[Blush] Heh. Thanks VERY

[Blush] Heh. Thanks VERY much guys. Its not finished yet (but as a toy more than a project, it never will be). Making it a bit slicker and tidier next. both halves of code need updating to SOME extent each time (the arduino needs to know the pixel size that the processing sketch is using for instance). I will put in a bit that populates that  automagically next i think, so only the processing sketch needs updating, that and move the parts that need updating right to the top of the sketch to make it easier.

I will see if i can work out a suitable video editing program on ubuntu, and make a proper video soon, with a little tour of the hardware, the software, and then a timlapse of the machine running (it takes half an hour ish to plot a picture of that size)


Yup you’ve become our

Yup you’ve become our resident PolarGraph Master Artist :wink: keep up the good work!

As for video editing program I’ve used pitivi at first (it’s pretty simple) and now I use kdenlive (it’s also simple to use but more professional looking).

Great Work Olly - Colour and

Great Work Olly - Colour and bi-directional printing, excellent work

a piece of art!

good,i will make one!

Uuh!Looking good
 you are


Looking good
 you are “this close” to entering the eternal "Write LMR Challenge"

Go-go-go! :smiley:

I had not seen the "write

I had not seen the “write lmr challenge” before. I will certainly give it a go. Kind of feel like im cheating though now, Ive done most of the work, i would just need to format into a jpg and load it in. I will film it doing it to fulfil both suggestions in one. Though may have to wait a while, i am off to Jersey for work for the next 10 days.

Thanks guys.

Aw MaaaanJersey was tedious,

Aw Maaaan

Jersey was tedious, and then when i ran the LMR challenge, using my webcam to film it, it crashed, lost the film AND made a hash of the picture.

ANYWAY. running it again as i speak, and taking clips of footage with my mobile. I will edit them together soon, and get something up!


I love this machine!!! can you put instructions up on how you made it? I would be forever greatfull


I love this machine!!! can you put instructions up on how you made it? I would be forever greatfull

I will put a description of

I will put a description of mine on this weekend. My code/sketch is not optimum. Sandy Noble (search euphy on google) did a much better, more useful version. He sells the machine kits too. I will go into the differences in detail in my post this weekend.