This is the start of "Plank." My first successful attempt at a robot.
The base is made from a 3mm thick 4x12 inch piece of plywood. Wheels are model airplane wheels bolted on to servo horns. I modified two Futaba servos for continous rotation for locomotion. The tail wheel is a tamiya ball caster. I tried a couple of other casters but they were either too heavy or they didn't rotate well.
For sensors I have a Sharp IR sensor (GP2D120) for close range object detection. There are two bumper switches on the back sides that I still need to wire up. I also have a Ping to hook up with another servo for longer range scanning.
The Arduino & electronics are powered by a 9V battery using the Arduino's regulator. The servos have their own 6V supply (underneath the breadboard.)
Update 10/7/2008
The rear bumper switches are wired up. Added 2 more IR sensors for more front coverage. Playing around with the movement algorithm. Will randomly move in a direction other than forward.
Update 4/12/2009
Attached my code. It isn't pretty but it works.
Object avoidance
- Actuators / output devices: 2 Futaba 9101 modified Servos
- Control method: autonomous
- CPU: Arduino Decimila
- Power source: 9V - CPU, 4xAA batteries - motor
- Sensors / input devices: Sharp IR, bumper switches
- Target environment: Indoors - Carpet
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