Pizzicato Boxy Red

Thanks to ATMEL, I finally got a chance to learn BASIC and PIC programming. Here's my first Picaxe bot.

It was a quick one to make, with just cardboard, tape and a couple screws to mount the board.

It is manually controlled by a custom board built around PIC16F72 (as I had only one Picaxe board), which reads two potentiometers (joysticks) and sends the data using 433 MHz RF. The "joystick" board has also has a 7 segment LED, which is there just for the sake of it, and glows segments according to different positions of the potentiometers.

The motors are just too fast for proper control. Nevertheless, it was lots of fun controlling it. I've included some pics and vids of the bot playing soccer.  This is one dizzy picaxe robot! :D

Spins around till it gets dizzy

  • Actuators / output devices: 1:45 Fast toy gearedmotors
  • Control method: Wireless RF
  • CPU: Picaxe 28x1
  • Target environment: indoors

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.robotshop.com/robots/show/pizzicato-boxy-red