Picaxe + lcd = I need help

Well, I have hooked up my lcd and would like some help. Here is a link to the lcd:


And here is a link to the manual:


All I would like is some sample code, such as a simple line that says "hello mark". Once I have that, I think I will be able to figure the rest out myself using the manual. So far everything I have tried has turned into a bunch of garbled letters. Hopefully I dont have the chip with the bug on it........



setfreq m8 'gotta speed up the picaxe to get to 9600 baud

serout pin,T9600_8,("Hello Mark ")

setfreq m4 'back to regular speed


If this does not work, try N9600 instead

LCD Test

Here’s my test code. I’ve tried it successfully on a 28X project board and a bare-bones 08M - this is the 28X variant as it communicates through Pin 7 (no pin 7 on an 08!). The code is straight from the PicAxe Manual - volume 3 I think.

pause 500

serout 7,N2400,(254,128)
serout 7,N2400,(“Hello!123”)

Thanks, but…
Thanks for the try but no dice. The only results were garbled symbols. :frowning:

This did not work either. Im getting worried about my firmware…:frowning:

Try another…
Try another picaxe… Worked for me!

Ok, I re-read the manual…

Check all this:

Jumper on the TTL connection. Not rs-232

Jumper on 9600 baud!!


Try this again:

setfreq m8 'gotta speed up the picaxe to get to 9600 baud

serout pin,T9600_8,(“Hello Mark”)

setfreq m4 'back to regular speed


If this does not work, try N9600_8 instead


Nope, didnt work. Im having
Nope, didnt work. Im having the same sort of problems you were having with yours, so im going to try a new chip.