Hey There,
I've hit a snag on a project of mine. I've been trying to build a servo calibrator (to test a servo's limits and test them on robots before they're connected to the motherboard) which should operate by positioning a servo depending on the position of a potentiometer, and display the pulse rate on a 16x2 LCD. I've built one before, with an LED display and a single servo output, but this one should handle two servos.
Except it doesn't. I won't even handle one. There's two major problems I've found which I'm looking for solutions to.
This is my code (Picaxe 20M chip). I copied the three LCD routines from the manual, the rest is mine.
init: gosub LCDinit
eeprom 0, (" Servo 1: Servo 2: ")
let b1 = 12
gosub wrins
let b1 = 1
gosub wrins
main: readadc 1, b8
readadc 2, b9
let b1 = 128
gosub wrins
for b3 = 0 to 10
read b3, b1
gosub wrchr
next b3
let b4 = b8
gosub servocal
let b1 = 192
gosub wrins
for b3 = 10 to 20
read b3, b1
gosub wrchr
next b3
let b4 = b9
gosub servocal
goto main
servocal: let b7 = b4 / 100
let b1 = b7 + 48
gosub wrchr
let b5 = b7 * 100
let b7 = b4 - b5 / 10
let b1 = b7 + 48
gosub wrchr
let b6 = b7 * 10
let b7 = b4 - b5 - b6
let b1 = b7 + 48
gosub wrchr
LCDinit: let pins = 0 'Clear all output lines
let b4 = 0 'Reset variable b3
pause 200 'Wait 200 ms for LCD to reset.
let pins = 48 'Set to 8-bit operation.
pulsout 3,1 'Send data by pulsing ‘enable’
pause 10 'Wait 10 ms
pulsout 3,1 'Send data again
pulsout 3,1 'Send data again
let pins = 32 'Set to 4-bit operation.
pulsout 3,1 'Send data.
pulsout 3,1 'Send data again.
let pins = 128 'Set to two line operation
pulsout 3,1 'Send data.
let b1 = 14 'Screen on, cursor on instruction
gosub wrins 'Write instruction to LCD
wrchr: let pins = b1 & 240 'Mask the high nibble of b1 into b2.
high 2 'Make sure RS is high
pulsout 3,1 'Pulse the enable pin to send data.
let b2 = b1 * 16 'Put low nibble of b1 into b2.
let pins = b2 & 240 'Mask the high nibble of b2
high 2 'Make sure RS is high
pulsout 3,1 'Pulse enable pin to send data.
wrins: let pins = b1 & 240 'Mask the high nibble of b1 into b2.
pulsout 3,1 'Pulse the enable pin to send data.
let b2 = b1 * 16 'Put low nibble of b1 into b2.
let pins = b2 & 240 'Mask the high nibble of b2
pulsout 3,1 'Pulse enable pin to send data.
high 2 'Back to character mode
Now my two problems.
#1: That code works fine when displaying the pot readings on the LCD, but you may notice that there's no servo commands in there. That's because as soon as I add anything on my servo out pins (0 and 1) the LCD freezes. It just goes blank. Remove the lines, and it works fine.
#2: One of my pot inputs gives logarithmic readings. This is weird considering I have two linear pots. Any pot I put on Servo 1's input is log, any pot on Servo 2's input it linear. Swapping the pots around just proves it's nothing to do with them.
So... this is my problem. Has anyone got any ideas? Thanks!