I have looked over CtCs post regarding similar issues with his LCD, but still can get mine to budge. I was hoping to get some guidance on my issue. The issue being I can't get the LCD to work or interface with my PICAXE. Like Ctc, I am using the serial backpack from SparkFun. Here is my code:
Take a look at the command I Take a look at the command I posted for the backlight control. If you look at the datasheet for the SparkFun LCD Backpack, 128 will turn off the backlight so you won’t see any text on the screen although it will be there. 157 is full on. Try that and see what you get
I did eliminate baud rate communiucation from the list. I set a loop to adjust the backlight from 128 to 157 and it flashes as expected. Yet no text back there.
Just to be clear,
serout 1,T9600_8,(254, 128) 'Sets line 1 position 1 pause 200 serout 1,T9600_8,(“line 1”)
When you send the command to change the backlight is that working? If so then we know at least that you are setup correctly for serial. I’m working this straight from the SparkFun and PicAxe datasheets as I don’t have a PicAxe to test out. Sorry if I’m not being much help to you.
Don’t let yourself get frustrated. As soon as we figure out all the stuff that doesn’t work all that is left are those that do work.
Yeah Yes the backlight works and as I mentioned, I can flash it in a loop. I was assuming that meant baud rates were correct, etc. Just not sure though.
Shouldn’t you be using the Shouldn’t you be using the serial pin for the serial communications? Or, can you set up any I/O pin as a serial pin? Check CTC’s code in the post you referenced above; he is using the serial pin 7. Also, did you test the last bit of code I posted?