SOLUTIONS (although I don´t quite know what to do with them)

Here´s a picture of what happens to the servo power rail during A shake with only one of them hooked:


I can show you 5 different shakes and all 5 scope waves look exactly the same. WEIRD.

Here´s the same, but with both servos hooked up:


Same thing here: every single shake draws the same contour on the screen. At this point I thought it was easy to figure out: Bad power supply. So I switched it to the lead acid 12VDC 4Ah. This next capture shows different PSU for logic and servos, with their commons tied together:



You can see the noise in sync with the servo commands. 

So, even though the dips in the power rail dissapeared, the shake didn´t. It is now less often, but still there. So, it is safe to say that I had two overlapping problems: one that was bad power (just like Dan M. and KingsJester89 predicted - my deepest admiration to them!!) and another one, as of yet unknown.

PSU Schematic anyone?

At this point I could benefit from a schematic of a PSU for 6VDC servos. One trusted by any of you. Thanks.

Forgot to share this other

Forgot to share this other one, with you all:


This is what happen to the servo train of pulses when the PIC shares the PSU with the servos!

I just LOVE this oscilloscope!


4xAA completly fresh?

4xAA completly fresh?

Check mate! (insert

Check mate! (insert embarrased smiley here)


You could try oversampling to get rid of the ADC-Noise. Just add up 5 readings and then divide it by 5. Maybe you’ll Be able to fix your problem.



Hey torrentula,Thanks for

Hey torrentula,

Thanks for the input. I had given that a try after a comment by user Gabriel_f. Unfortunately that didn´t solve the problem successfully.


I am not sure if there is

I am not sure if there is still space left for another payload, but you coulod talk to MarkusB when he shoots his rocket to the moon.

Big thumbs up to Lumi! :wink:

Big thumbs up to Lumi! :wink: