
Just got my Raspberry Pi today :)

Can't wait to use it!


Hello Dan,

I am very interested to hear about your experiences with Raspberry Pi.

I read something that implied it could do i2c.  If so, that might make it easy to interface to PIXAXE chips.

I am currently planning on using 2 to 4 PICAXE micros in my second robot, but would love to upgrade the master to a Pi, if it could handle that.


                Good luck and let us know how it goes,



PI is I2C capable!

Hi Kingart3

The Pi is indeed I2C capable. Only known limitation is that it is only capable of being a master, not slave and it has been reported that the Pi has problems when devices on the bus are keeping the clock signal low outside the Ack-part of the transmission.

I don’t know whether the first issue is hardware or software related.

The latter is a common I2C trick, but is not part of the I2C protocal, so not an error perse.

(I have a cunning plan for a robot, featuring my Pi and 2 ATMega328p, using and I2C and programming the ATMega328p over SPI using the GPIO.)


I’ve never heard of i2c

I’ve never heard of i2c until today.  That is really interesting.  I love picking up extra knowledge here and there.  Thanks for posting that.  Now I have a new varialbe I can incorporate in any of my new projects.