Phoenix, rebuilt from the ashes of a POP-BOT

Update! This is Phoenix Revision 2.

I got tired of the round base plate so I decided to rebuild the whole thing on a solderless perfboard. This is another temporary webcam image (bet you can tell...) and I have changed out the IR Range-finder for a PING))) (Ultasonic). (For whatever reason, I find the PING))) easier to work with and get the results I want. 


This is a better, slightly old image of Phoenix. I have routed and wrapped the wire bundles and I am now using a servo to turn the IR Range-finder so the robot can scan the horizon.

My much enjoyed POP-BOT met with a trajic accident, and Phoenix is a rebuild literally from the ashes...

So far the new 'bot has a new Arduino Uno brain (Atmega 328 based, the POP-BOT used a 168 so the new bot has more memory.) The H-Bridge in the POP-BOT let out silicon smoke, and the new bot uses 2 PWM controlled power transistors to go forward and turn with differential drive. No new H-Bridge yet, but with geared motors that can be (PWM) speed controlled and turn off this bot turns very nicely. For a object sensor I am useing a Sharp IR Range-finder. For power I am now using 4 AA cells for the motors and a 9 volt battery to power the Uno. (Seperate power supplies go a long ways in making this bot very electrically stable.)

Something I really like and make use of is the Arduino Sketch "random" function so when the bot "sees" something ahead it can "make a choice" as to which way it will turn. Sooner or later it seems to be able to free itself from any corner when it is stuck. About 5 percent of the time it can put on a burst of speed (it has been known to scare dogs and cats! :-)

I have it set up in the software so I can skip the random actions, but the bot seems more "biological" if the random actions are turned on. 

The Uno processor board wouldn't fit on the POP-BOT chassis so the bot now sports a new "stretched" look for the Uno (Arduino) and a small protoboard. The power transistors are reclaimed from an old, dead stereo and don't even get warm when the motors completely stall. Good use of PWM is the key here I believe.

More later, it runs but is far from complete (I would like to add a RF link and more sensors, particularly touch).

The original accident was sad and horrible, but little "Phoenix" has been a really fun rebuild!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

"From the ashes of disaster

"From the ashes of disaster grow the roses of success!"

Looking forward to seeing the new bot.


See blog.

My Phoenix

See blog. 

(In the future, all my robot additions/changes will be on my blog, as per website rules.)

What blog?
What blog?

I am using my blog on this website.

Under the “Blogs” menu item. I can see my blog and thought others could too…

(I did nothing to “lock” it or anything like that.)

I can see your blog.

I can see your blog.